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A La Carte (November 20)

A La Carte Collection cover image

A Prayer for Battling Sin – Here is a prayer based on John Owen’s work “that should help us mortify our sin and live in joyful obedience to Christ…”

All These Pentecostals and Charismatics – “Where in the world did all these Pentecostals and charismatics come from? In the explosive growth and geographical extension of Pentecostal and charismatic groups, we are witnessing one of the most if not the most stunning episodes of Christian expansion ever. In the not-too-distant future Pentecostals will likely make up the majority of Christians worldwide.”

A NY Great Awakening? – I don’t know that it’s quite right to compare it with the Great Awakening, but it is still interesting to read about the changing spiritual climate in NYC.

Church Planting in Quebec – “Marc Pilon is a church planter serving in the very difficult context of Quebec. God is doing some amazing work there, and we think you will appreciate Marc’s story of how God has worked through a multi-generational heritage of sacrifice and persecution to advance the gospel in Quebec.” I am excited about this since my family’s roots are in Quebec (Both my parents were born there!).

Monk Mode – There’s probably a better term for it than monk mode, but in a world of constant distraction, this sounds like just the thing.

National Geographic Photo Contest – There are some spectacular photos in this gallery. God has made us a beautiful world to live in!

JI Packer

This one word “grace” contains within itself the whole of New Testament theology.

—J.I. Packer

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