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A La Carte (November 24)


May the Lord bless and keep you today.

On sale at Westminster Books this week is a new volumes of systematic theology by Douglas Kelly.

There are a couple of Kindle deals so far, with perhaps a few more to come in the morning.

What happened at the ETS?

I appreciated Denny Burk’s roundup of some of what transpired at the recent ETS meetings.

The Danger of Nostalgia

“What’s your favorite family memory? What is your favorite memory of church? Your favorite holiday memory? Recollecting can bring warm feelings toward people and fond memories of places. Nostalgia can stoke gratitude” But there can also be some subtle dangers to nostalgia…

What to Say to A Friend Who has Doubt

“Once I confessed my doubts aloud, I was able to start confronting them one by one. Over the next few months, with the help of my husband, my friends, and my church family, I continuously exposed my doubts to the light of God’s Word, taking back ground in my heart until my doubts were at bay.”

Sociology as Theology: The Deconstruction of Power in (Post)Evangelical Scholarship

This is a fascinating article in which Neil Shenvi looks at several new books that have a kind of commonality. “They all share a dangerous approach to theology via the disciplines of sociology and history. Even if we agree with their conclusions, we should recognize that they are sowing the seeds of a deconstruction that goes far deeper than race, gender, and politics.”

Why You Should Join an Imperfect Church

We probably all know someone who needs to be reminded of the importance of the local church.

How Does The Second Coming Of Christ Change How We Live Now?

Ligon Duncan tells how Christ’s second coming should influence the way we live right now.

Flashback: Unjust, Unkind, Unfair, Un-humble?

Is it unjust, unkind, unfair, un-humble to insist upon the exclusivity of Jesus Christ? No, it is unjust, unkind, unfair, un-humble not to, for in doing so we are simply describing reality. In doing so we are offering hope.

Flashback: Unjust, Unkind, Unfair, Un-humble?

Is it unjust, unkind, unfair, un-humble to insist upon the exclusivity of Jesus Christ? No, it is unjust, unkind, unfair, un-humble not to, for in doing so we are simply describing reality. In doing so we are offering hope.

If each hour’s work is faithfully done we shall have, at the last, a whole life-work faithfully done.

—J.R. Miller

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