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A La Carte (November 8)


Blessings to you on this fine day.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting titles.

You Don’t Have to Choose a Word for the Year

“For many, choosing a word for the year replaces a list of resolutions. That one word gives them focus for the year. Christians who do this usually pray about it leading up to the new year and feel this word has been given to them or impressed on them by God. They often plan activities, reading, or Bible study around their word.” That may be a perfectly fine idea, but don’t think it’s a necessary one!

What Does it Take to End Well?

This article (sermon? conference talk?) is about reverse-engineering the lives of those who finished well to try to determine what made them successful.

Sexual Abuse and Outpacing the Church

Is it possible that when it comes to identifying and protecting against abuse, the church is lagging behind the world?

The Scriptures are reliable down to the tenses

The Scriptures are reliable in every way and that puts us under the responsibility to read them well and carefully.

Driven by Awe: Missions

“If we are not driven by awe of God in our life, then our desire to share his greatness with others will diminish. As one author stated: ‘Where passion for God is weak, zeal for missions will be weak.’ As we regularly feast upon the glory of God, as we behold his beauty each day of our lives, then inevitably we will want others to do the same. As we encounter the most beautiful, powerful, merciful being in all of existence, we’ll want others to likewise taste and see that he is good.”

How to Get Married

Here is some counsel—much of it in the realm of advice more than biblical mandates—on getting married.

Flashback: A Tribute to Those of Simple Faith

People of complex faith are prone to see apathy in those of simple faith, and people of simple faith are prone to see obsessiveness in those of complex faith. Both can grow weary and suspicious of the other.

One of the greatest and most undervalued privileges of being brought up in a Christian home is that you will have been prayed for every day of your life.

—Christopher Ash

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