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A La Carte (October 19)


May the God of love and peace be with you today.

There are, as usual, a few Kindle deals for those who are interested.

I also noticed Hasbro has a lot of games on sale at Amazon today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Extending the Borders and Enlarging the Territory)

Cultivating a Gracious Climate in Your Church

“A message of grace may attract people, but a culture of grace will keep them. What our churches need, not in exchange for a gospel message but as a witness to it, is a gospeled climate. But how do you get that? How do you develop in your church community a safe space to confess, be broken, be ‘not okay’? What are some ways to cultivate a climate of grace in your church?” Jared Wilson explains.

Skeleton Keys (Video)

This new video from The John 10:10 Project is a wee bit unusual, but still informative.

The Hard Blessing of Conjoined Twins

“Dwight and Stephanie Castle’s twin babies don’t sleep at the same time. When one is resting, the other is moving around, kicking and wiggling and babbling. The problem is, the girls are attached—from chest to belly button. The awake baby is constantly bumping her sleeping sister.” Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra reports.

Commercialising Church

“I won’t speculate what their problems may be, but this is a terrible idea. So terrible it surely only needs to be laughed at. What we offer we offer for free. Yes, we ask for people’s money, that’s how all churches exist and continue to run, but these are generous offerings in response to what they received from God.” This article explains why Facebook’s proposed options for churches may be a terrible idea.

Peace. Be Still.

Susan Lafferty explains the importance of the time Jesus said these words.

The Search For Answers And Two Responses When You Find Them

“We look not only for lost or misplaced items, we’re also looking for answers. Truths to address our feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, and hurt; the reasons for our pain and suffering, or the next step to take when we face a fork in the road. Trying to fit the pieces of our puzzle together, we look desperately to the world around us for solutions and try different methods of escape or resolution.”

Flashback: 5 Bad Substitutes for Discipline

In her book Parenting Against the Tide, Ann Benton lists five poor substitutes for disciplining our children—five poor substitutes that fail to address the heart.

You are sanctified by remembering and believing afresh that you are justified by what Jesus did on the cross for you.

—David Powlison

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