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A La Carte (October 23)


We’ve been spoiled with quite a few good Kindle deals this week, and I’ve added some more today.

Logos users, remember that you can use coupon code SAVE20NOW to get $20 off any item(s).

Take Sin Seriously

That is good counsel! “Take Christ seriously. Yes, of course. For every look at your sin, take ten looks at Christ. But will you want to look at Christ if you have not seen your need? Will you see your need if you have not seen your sin?”

Ten Tips on Sermon Illustrations

Here are some good tips on using sermon illustrations. I agree with all of them but number 1. And I’ll add three more: First, don’t use a movie as an illustration since most people haven’t seen that movie. Second, if you have to explain your illustration, you are doing it wrong. Third, the best illustrations are often less a sentence—just a simple, “like” or “as” comparison.

Over the course of five days, read Scripture and follow along with these gospel meditations adapted from My Heart Cries Out: Gospel Meditations for Everyday Life by Paul David Tripp as you see how God’s amazing grace intersects with the mundane, unexpected, messy, and beautiful moments of everyday life.

6 (Non-Controversial) Ways Christians Should Deal with Disagreements about the End Times

This is good.

3 Reasons Church Leaders Should Observe the Sabbath

“I know there are arguments for and against keeping the Sabbath as Christians. But I’m not going to get into how we apply Old Testament Scripture as Christians, nor will I discuss the New Testament’s view of Sabbath as a rest we enter into as Christians. I’m going to leave those aside and work from the assumption that the Sabbath is something God intended as both a gift for humans to enjoy and a command to keep. Here are three practical reasons we—particularly as church leaders—should keep the Sabbath.”

I Finally Wrote My Resignation Letter

“Without exaggeration, I think that this past year may be the most difficult period of ministry I’ve faced. Don’t misunderstand me when I say, ‘ministry’, I don’t only mean my vocational hours as the lead teaching pastor at Raymond Terrace Community Church. I mean ministry. I mean the life and gifts, the passion and purpose, the uncounted minutes and unseen labour—the sum of the efforts of my life spent in service of King Jesus. And when I say, ‘difficult’, I don’t just mean challenging. I mean, discouraging, disheartening, and disappointing.”

Northern Ireland’s Evangelicals Lose on Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage

This is so sad. “Abortion and gay marriage have become legal in Northern Ireland for the first time, rallying Christians against dramatic policy changes put in place without their consent.”

Can Switchfoot & Jen Ledger Guess Christian​ Rock Songs from the 2000s (Video)

This is kind of silly, and you’ll only enjoy it if you listened to CCM in the 2000s. But if you did, it’s a lot of fun.

Flashback: 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids

Like most parents, I have those moments where guilt and regret comes over me like a wave…When that wave rises up, when I feel like I could drown beneath all that regret, I sometimes consider those things I will never regret.

No cowardly minister who is afraid to declare the whole Word of God lest he give offense, or interfere with his popularity, has any right in any Christian pulpit. He is simply a disgrace to it and a stench in the nostrils of Jehovah.

—Francis Grimké

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