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A La Carte (October 4)


It is, once again, a pretty good day for Kindle deals. We’ve been off to a strong start in October!

(Yesterday on the blog: Francis Chan’s Letters to the Church)

Twenty-Five Years Later

I thoroughly enjoyed this interview with Al Mohler in which he reflects on twenty-five years of leading the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Night Missionaries Smuggled One Million Bibles into China

Here’s a fun one from Mental Floss. “All the subterfuge hinted at a drug transaction. While it was true the group was dealing with contraband, it wasn’t of the narcotic variety. Each of the boxes contained 90 Bibles, written in Chinese characters, which were notoriously difficult to come by under the country’s Communist rule. A group of foreign missionaries had spent millions of dollars and risked their lives smuggling the Bibles into China.”

Stop Living In The Moment

“We used to speak of the Tyranny of the Urgent. It is time for us now to also address the Tyranny of the Moment. Although backing this up statistically would be hard, my instinct is that there has never been a group of people so slavishly beholden to the moment, to the right now, as we are.”

Stories of God’s Grace: Meet Dennis (Video)

You will enjoy meeting Dennis. “The Lord is at work redeeming and sanctifying a people for Himself. We are grateful for the opportunity to share this story of God’s grace with you. Meet Dennis.”

What Does it Mean That “God is the Head of Christ”?

Denny Burk takes a careful look at what it means that “God is the head of Christ.”

Raised by YouTube

Here’s an interesting one on future (and present, even) of children’s programming. “With all its decades of episodes, well-known characters, and worldwide brand recognition, Sesame Street has more than 5 billion views on YouTube. That’s impressive, but ChuChu has more than 19 billion. Sesame Street’s main feed has 4 million subscribers; the original ChuChu TV channel has 19 million—placing it among the top 25 most watched YouTube channels in the world.”

Keeping Technology in Its Proper Place

This is a really helpful with Andy Crouch. He focuses on issues like this: “How can families keep the ever-expanding arm of technology from encroaching upon healthy family life”?

Flashback: Hand in Hand, Heart Linked to Heart

But, at last, they came to a place on the road where two ways met; and here, amidst the terrors of a storm such as they had never before encountered, they parted company—the one being caught up to the invisible glory—the other, battered and bruised by the awful tempest, henceforth toiling along the road—alone.

Shall an agony of bloody sweat be recompensed by heavy eyelids and yawning mouths?

—C.H. Spurgeon

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