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A La Carte (September 10)


Today’s Kindle deals include books by James White, Lydia Brownback, and others…

(Yesterday on the blog: Announcing Advance! and Aging Gracefully)

How Prayer Exposes the Illusion of Control

“Prayer reminds us that control is an illusion, a farce. We don’t have it. But, far from driving us to depression, I think this fact drives us to dependence. When we depend on God, we see him in a whole new light. We’re reminded that the God that we serve is eager to do good to us.”

Inemuri, The Japanese Art of Sleeping at Work

How interesting… “In most countries sleeping at work is not only embarrassing, it might even cost one’s job. But in Japan, sleeping in the office is common and is socially accepted. In fact, it is often seen as a sign of diligence, as in—’the person is so dedicated to their job that they worked themselves to exhaustion.’”

By Some Means…

“In recent years, a number of Reformed theologians have introduced the phrase ordinary means of grace to a forthcoming generation of ministers. The incorporation of this phase into the vocabulary of the church has been quite easily observable–especially in serious-minded Confessionally Reformed churches where it has become something of a Shibboleth of orthodox worship and missions.”

The 750,000 Bunkers of Albania (Video)

I’ve never been to Albania, but was fascinated by this video. (Note: There’s an “OMG” along the way). “Albania’s most visible uniqueness. A negative that’s so definitive of the nation that it has almost become a positive.”

He Will Hold Me Fast

Here’s the story and theology behind a great song. “Paul pressed on. He was diligent. He labored. He applied himself. He strained to endure and increasingly make Jesus his own. But he knew that all his striving and enduring was enabled decisively by the power of Christ, who had made him his own and would certainly hold him fast.”

Hidden Gems

This would be good for church leaders to consider. “Do we expect that Sunday school teachers should have a degree? Should only professionals distribute communion? Does a deacon need to wear a suit and tie? If you’re looking to train up someone to preach, why is the lawyer in your congregation any more qualified than the plumber? Could somebody with a history of drug abuse be your next worship leader?”

Core Christianity Radio

Last week marked the beginning of a new radio show I’m excited about: Core Christianity radio with Michael Horton. Here’s the info…

Flashback: Six Reasons Why Adultery Is Very Serious

Children thrive when there is structure, when there is stability, when there is peace and order. Children are harmed when adultery brings chaos and conflict and disunity.

The cross is not a mere event in history; it’s a way of life!

—John Piper

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