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A La Carte (September 16)

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Tissue Sales or ‘Donation for Remuneration?’

WORLD has a description of the latest undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress. Apparently fetal tissue procurement companies that pay Planned Parenthood for pieces of aborted babies are making a “donation for remuneration…”

2016 Ligonier Ministries National Conference

Ligonier Ministries just announced their 2016 National Conference. In addition to the regular conference sessions, they are also hosting an apologetics seminar for youth and families, with the aim of preparing young people to defend the truth of the gospel in an increasingly hostile culture. I look forward to leading one of those sessions.

Protect Your Children

This week, Westminster Books has deals on some very important books about a very important topic: Protecting your children from abuse (and, additionally, helping those who have suffered abuse).

How Can We Best Love the Poor?

I appreciated this boots-on-the-ground reflection on how we can best love the poor. “It was much easier to consider this while living in the States where there were no people living in houses made of mud and sticks right next door to me.”

This Day in 1620. The Mayflower sails from Plymouth, England to the New World with 102 passengers—some of which are Separatist Pilgrims. *

Hoax Hunter

I enjoyed reading about this hoax hunter who busts people who fake illnesses (or entire lives and families) online. “A few of the hoaxers were scammers trying to make money, but the majority manipulated people online just for the attention that comes when you have a sob story.”

Inerrancy and the Death by a Thousand Qualifications

Here is why you don’t need to fear the task of qualifying what you mean by inerrancy or other theological terms.

A Tribute to R.C. Sproul

I appreciate this kind tribute to R.C. Sproul and could echo many of the same things. God is good to give us teachers and role models, and we do well to acknowledge them.


One of these days you may be unable to get rid of those habits which you are now forming.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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