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A La Carte (September 6)

Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of titles that may be worthy of a place in your collection.

The Weightier Things of the Law: A Case Against Conscience-Binding in the Schooling Debate

This is a very important article that goes far beyond the schooling debate. “The real battle is a battle that you cannot avoid, and which you swim around in 24/7 and it is a battle in which the whole order of reality is a reality which says that ‘you’ and your desires are the most important thing. If I want to communicate anything else here, it is that this is not predominantly a matter of explicit pedagogy. It is more like cultural ‘air,’ and my bet is that most of it is something we couldn’t even identify if we tried.”

What Does a Healthy Writer, Reader, Publisher Relationship Look Like?

“Writers should want the best for their publishers and readers, who should want the best for writers and publishers, who should want the best for writers and readers. So how does that happen? First, we have to identify ways that each level can exploit the others. And then we can highlight ways to help others flourish.”

Ligonier’s 2018 National Conference

Ligonier’s 2018 National Conference is very close to reaching capacity. Register today to secure your spot. (Sponsored link)

Singing in the Rain

“I never imagined I’d be sloshing through two feet of brown floodwater in our church building two weeks after my installation service and three months after we moved to Houston. But there I was this past Friday, with my brother Mike, kayaking across the parking lot and gliding through the glass doors and then wading through our freshly baptized building in that eerie silence created by widespread flooding.”

When Kids Won’t Bow To Your Idols

“The most profound parenting quote I’ve ever heard is from Dan Allender: ‘One of the biggest sources of conflict between you and your kids is when they refuse to bow down to your idols.’ I dare you to cross-stitch that and give it to a friend at her baby shower.”

The 2017 Eclipse in 4K (Video)

Here’s a HD, close-up version of the eclipse.

5 Benefits to Reading Entire Books of the Bible in One Sitting

Have you ever tried it on your own? How about with a small group or your whole church?

5 Marks of a Contented Heart

“We know that this contentment is not simply idealistic but rather characteristic of the Christian life. As believers, we continue to learn contentment by learning to trust and treasure God in every situation. God has provided us with the Bible and the church to be the means by which we work this out in our lives.”

Flashback: Simple Ways to Spark a Lukewarm Devotional Life

With September here and fall and winter laid out before us, perhaps this is the time to spark that lukewarm devotional life. Here are a few suggestions.

Death and sorrow are merely a middle chapter.

—Scott Saul

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