May the God of love and peace be with you today.
There’s a new Bible for young children on sale this week at Westminster Books. There are some other kids’ books discounted as well.
(Yesterday on the blog: The House Seems Large Today)
‘Christian Nation’ Puts the Bible on Trial
Joe Carter writes about that “member of Finland’s parliament [who] faces a second ‘hate speech’ trial over a Twitter post quoting the Bible.”
The Need for Precision When Quoting Scripture
I agree with David Kaywood about the need for precision when quoting Scripture (especially in the context of more scholarly works).
God’s Good Design of the Local Church
“My heart breaks for those who can’t see the beauty of the local church, or the ones who only focus on her flaws. Look at anyone long enough and you will find problems, especially if that’s your goal. No masterpiece is flawless, even God’s church bears the effects of sin … for now.”
Prayer Leaves An Eternal Legacy
Mothers and grandmothers may be especially encouraged by this article from Sylvia.
Tota Scriptura
This is an oldie but a goodie from R.C. Sproul. “The issue that we face in our day is not merely the question of sola Scriptura but also the question of tota Scriptura, which has to do with embracing the whole counsel of God as it is revealed in the entirety of sacred Scripture.”
Should we reject weaponized words?
Aaron writes of the importance of keeping words that have become weaponized (e.g. inerrancy).
Flashback: What Can God Do With Broken Hearts?
Where the world looks to those who are whole and strong, God looks to those who are weak and broken, for his specialty is bringing much from little, beauty from ashes, strength from weakness.