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Weekend A La Carte (11/9)

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3801 Lancaster – The 3801 Lancaster Film Project is an ongoing documentary series about Kermit Gosnell, the Women’s Medical Society, and the cover-up by state and local oversight agencies. They have just released a trailer for part two.

Charismatic Debate – Here is a debate between Michael Brown and Sam Waldron, moderated by James White. They debate this: Have the New Testament charismatic gifts ceased?

Opportunities Busy Pastors Miss – Here are “three opportunities busy pastors might miss when they get too task focused. I’ll warn you, these are mundane, but their normalness ensures that every pastor faces them.” Pastors may also want to check out Kevin DeYoung’s John Reed Miller lectures from RTS.

Cruciform Press Pre-Holiday Sale – Cruciform Press (the company I co-founded) is offering 50% off everything through 11/18, plus free shipping through 11/13, unlimited quantities. While the deal is a little more complicated than that, this is a great opportunity for stocking-stuffers, book clubs, church book tables, and the like. Also, unrelated, Kress Biblical Resources is having a sale. Use the coupon code BR60833557256 and you’ll get 65% off!

Annoying Email Habits – Here are twelve annoying email habits you should think about quitting.

Five Ways to Refresh the Saints – Jon Bloom: “When reading Paul’s letter to Philemon this week I saw a theme I hadn’t really seen before. This letter is an instruction on how to refresh the saints.”


The servants of the Lord are to sing his praises in this life to the world’s end; and in the next life world without end.

—John Boys

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