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Weekend A La Carte (August 5)

I wanted to remind you that Truth for Life is featuring Seasons of Sorrow this month. You can purchase it for just $7 or get it free with a donation of any amount.

My thanks goes to BJU for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about Killing Sin Habits.

There are some more Kindle deals today (as, indeed, is usually the case).

(Yesterday on the blog: Short of Glory)

Where Did Baptism Come From?

We all know what baptism is, but do we know how it came about? “How does Christian baptism relate to Old Testament practices? Where did the idea of baptism come from? After overviewing the meaning of Christian baptism, this article seeks to briefly explore the connections between baptism and Old Testament ritual washings.”

Is Paedocommunion Biblical?

If the last article is primarily for Baptists, this one is primarily for those who practice infant baptism.

Our Missions Approach Is Too Western

Elliot Clark is “convinced current missiological strategies can still be deeply Western in potentially harmful ways.” He lays out his case (and some corrections) here.

But if Not, How to Face Our Fiery Trials with Faith

“If you’re not facing a furnace of affliction now, chances are, you will again soon.” Cara offers some encouragement for such times.

Dear Pastor … You’re a Shepherd, Not an Entrepreneur

“We are pressed on every side—danger from without in the schemes of the devil and danger from within with the passions of the flesh. To be sure, we are also in danger from without in the ways we are so tempted to conform to the patterns of the world (Rom. 12:2). One of those patterns we are tempted to conform to as pastors is to see ourselves, or our work, as entrepreneurs.”

Why I can’t love my neighbour

“But just because a parable is well known doesn’t mean it’s well understood. Would it surprise you if I said I don’t think the parable is meant to teach us to love our neighbour?” Ian Carmichael explains.

Flashback: We Cannot Be Faultless (But May Still Be Blameless)

Even our best work falls far short of perfect execution. But we may well be blameless before the Lord when we do our work to the best of our ability and when we do our utmost to cleanse our hearts and purify our motives.

When Jesus is our stability—our consistent friend and refuge—we are freed to truly love others and love them sacrificially.

—Kelly Needham

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