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Weekend A La Carte (February 19)

Good morning! Blessings to you as you serve the Lord and worship him this weekend.

My gratitude goes to Zondervan for sponsoring the blog this week with news of Michael Horton’s new book Recovering Our Sanity.

There are (finally) a few new Kindle deals to look at.

(Yesterday on the blog: Same Words, Different Worlds)

Seek God’s Face Before You Seek His Hand

Sarah Walton: “The Holy Spirit has been gently opening my eyes to see my recent tendency to allow what I can see and understand to interpret God’s Character, rather than his character to interpret what I can see and understand. Therefore, I’ve been giving the enemy an easy target because it hasn’t take much for a difficult circumstance to make me question God’s faithfulness.”

Broken Hallelujahs

Julie Lowe ponders what it means to offer God a “broken hallelujah.”

When you lose your salvation based on a technicality

Jordan Standridge writes about that priest who had 20 years of baptisms invalidated because he confused a word.

Ten Commandments for Commentary Usage

Peter Krol: “In the interest of helping you make best use of commentaries in your Bible study, here are ten commandments for your consideration.”

Providence Showing Off

Sometimes providence shows off.

Fasting With Jesus

“Fasting is a bit of an oddity, isn’t it? Sure it is commanded, expected, and demonstrated in Scripture (Matt 9:15, Joel 2:12, and Acts 13:2-3, among many others), but why exactly are we to engage in this practice? After all, we can’t somehow coerce God by abstaining from food. And we don’t need something additional than praying in Christ and by faith (John 14:14). So what is the point of not eating while seeking the Lord in prayer? And is this a discipline we ought to be cultivating?”

Flashback: For You It’s Sin, For Me It’s Service

When you do it it’s proud grumbling; when I do it it’s humble service. That’s the difference between you and me. And that’s why I find your complaining so offensive. Yeah, that must be it.

The man who exposes himself to hear new truths oftentimes comes back with old errors newly dressed.

—Obadiah Sedgwick

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