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Weekend A La Carte (July 11)

For the past week I’ve been on vacation and all the posts were queued up in advance so I could rest (except for yesterday’s—I just couldn’t help myself).

My gratitude goes to Westminster Books for sponsoring the blog this week. Sponsors keep the site going!

(Yesterday on the blog: Are Churches “A Major Source of Coronavirus Cases?” Hey, did you notice the Times changed the headline to the far more accurate “Churches Were Eager to Reopen. Now They Are Confronting Coronavirus Cases”?)

5 Myths about Hell

Mark Jones addresses a number of myths about hell.

The “End Times” Generation Gap

This has been exactly my experience—that younger folk are less interested in the End Times than older folk. “LifeWay Research, in partnership with Chosen People Ministries, has conducted a survey not of Southern Baptists specifically, but of Protestant pastors in general. What they’ve discovered is a generation gap not only regarding the specifics of ‘end times’ beliefs but also the level of attention they devote to the topic.”

Hoarding Hope

“Hoarding is ‘collecting and often hiding away a supply of something of value.’ In times of crisis, when resources dwindle, people seem especially prone to hoarding. Our self-interest shows our natural bent toward self-preservation, even at the expense of others. It speaks, quite frankly, to our sin. But what is even worse than potentially hurting others physically and temporally in a time of crisis is hurting others spiritually and eternally by hoarding the good news of the gospel, and all the more in a time of crisis.”

What Does ‘Unequally Yoked’ Mean in 2 Corinthians 6?

Ronni Kurtz takes on a common question. “Opinions proliferate about what it means to be unequally yoked. Does it pertain to marrying or dating non-believers? Is Paul thinking of business partnerships? Is it in reference to spiritual matters only, or does he also have social factors in mind? What does Paul have in mind when he exhorts believers to not be unequally yoked?”

Prayer Will Win the Nations

“I’ve found that there are some simple prayer requests that are always applicable and always needed. Even if we don’t understand our missionaries’ living situation or don’t know special requests from the field, Christians at home can still become more intentional and directed in their prayers. Of all the gifts you provide your missionaries, these will be among the best — in part because they always need them but perhaps never thought to ask.”

For the Christian who HATES being told to wear a mask. (Video)

As masks are mandated across more regions, Todd Friel has a word to those who hate being told to wear them.

Opportunistic Digital Hirelings

“A digital hireling is an individual who has set himself up online with self-promoting interest. Like the evil shepherds of Ezekiel’s day, the digital hireling feeds himself, doesn’t truly care about the sick, weak, or injured, doesn’t seek the lost and wandering, and deals harshly with the sheep. The digital hireling opportunistically sets up himself up for self-aggrandizement and financial gain. Most digital hirelings have never spent one day of their lives shepherding the flock of Jesus.”

Flashback: When My Children Grow Strong and I Grow Weak

We cared for our children as they entered this world and it falls to our children to care for us as we leave this world. We were there for them when they drew their first breath and they’ll be there for us when we draw our last breath. We laid them in the cradle, they will lay us in the grave.

The world loves the sweet music of revenge, but God loves the sweet music of prayer, forbearance, and kindness.

—Alexander Strauch

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