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Weekend A La Carte (July 16-17)

Why the Planned Parenthood Videos Didn’t Change the Abortion Debate

It was a year ago that the Planned Parenthood videos were released. “The videos garnered a surprising among of media attention, sparked congressional hearings, and launched dozens of investigations into Planned Parenthood (PP). But a year later, not much has changed. And many people are wondering what went wrong.” He speculates on what happened.

The World’s Largest Model Railroad

There are some terrifically eccentric people out there and this is one of them. (His model railroad is huge but kind of low quality, isn’t it?)

Church Aflame

You may enjoy, and may even need, this call to evangelism. “If Christianity is simply about being nice, I’m not interested. What happened to radical Christianity, the un-nice brand of Christianity that turned the world upside-down? I’m ready for a Christianity that ‘ruins’ my life, which captures my heart and makes me uncomfortable.”

A Love Like That

This is a sweet description of the love of Charles and Sarah Hodge. Kevin DeYoung brings the application: “Married couples, if you imagine that your final moments together will be like this, rejoice and again I say rejoice.”

I Tripped and Fell at the Olympics

Jim Ryun: “I tripped and fell at my final Olympics. It was one of the best things to happen to me.”

Eight Mistakes Churches Make on Their Websites

I’m sure I’ve seen all of these at one time or another. Most of them I’ve seen recently…

This Day in 1674. 342 years ago today, Isaac Watts was born in Southampton, England. He would write over 600 hymns. *

The Incredible Complications of Living Atop the U.S.-Canada Border

What happens if your town, or even your house, spans an international border? This article tells about a guy whose backyard is in the US while his front yard is in Canada.

Flashback: 3 Helpful Instructions on Keeping a Journal

It’s not meant to “advocate a tell-all diary, but a prudent, humble, and appropriate record of our experiences and observations of God’s providence.”

Pulpit Aflame

My gratitude goes to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week with “Pulpit Aflame.”


Are there not millions of us who would rather go sleeping to hell; than sweating to heaven?

—Thomas Watson

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