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Weekend A La Carte (June 3)

There is lots to choose from in today’s Kindle deals include. It has been a great week for them!

Reformed Theology Gone Sour

Ray Ortlund: “The problem is not Reformed theology per se. Inherent within that theology is a humbling and melting and softening and beautifying power. But Reformed theology is also intellectually satisfying, even captivating.”

I Got Pregnant and My Christian School Humiliated Me

Here’s a cautionary tale of how Christian institutions can handle situations poorly.

The Twitter Hive Mind Is Not Funny

I’d tend to agree with this article on the short-lived covfefe phenomenon: “Whatever was funny about the word was beaten out of it within minutes on Twitter, due to the internet’s desperate urge to continue virally flogging Trump. I wonder if the collective IQ and/or sanity of social media users drops each time a hive-mind like this generates?”

The Beauty of Jupiter (Video)

Just like the description says.

Be Wary of the Term “Transgender”

“Political correctness demands that no stigma be attached to conflicts over gender identity. Where gender dysphoria was once considered an ailment associated with Gender Identity Disorder—a pathology—activists have politicized medicine to make what was once a pathology into an identity, a worldview, and a political virtue. So the label “transgender” not only denotes the positive affirmation of a mental illness, it communicates a metaphysical fiction seeking acceptance and adoption throughout all channels of the culture.”

Division Begins With the Departure from the Truth

Yes, division begins with departure. And, as is so often the case, the innocent party is often portrayed as guilty.

The Digital Sermon

Nick Batzig tells pastors to stop fretting about inadvertently mimicking another preacher and to take advantage of the wealth of sermons available online.

Flashback: Desecration and Titillation

When you look at pornography you are watching the violation of what God considers more valuable than anything else he has created.

When you look at pornography you are watching the violation of what God considers more valuable than anything else he has created. It is a violation of all that person is, for sex is not only skin-deep but soul-deep.

How To Teach Your Kids About Sex

My thanks goes to FamilyLife for sponsoring the blog this week. As I say just about every week, sponsors play a key role in allowing the blog to continue, so I’m grateful to each and every one.

If any man should ask me what is the first, second, and third part of being a Christian, I must answer, “Action!”

—Thomas Brooks

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