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Weekend A La Carte (March 26)

History Today: George Whitefield Founds an Orphanage

This is actually History Tomorrow now, but it’s a good overview of Whitefield’s orphanage.

Don’t Like Diversity? You’ll Hate Heaven

The title about says it all, doesn’t it?

A Horribly Beautiful Friday

Paul Tripp: “At the center of a biblical worldview is this radical recognition: the most horrible thing that ever happened was the most beautiful thing to ever happen.”


“Set in the desert of Dubai, the urban spaces of Hongkong or the stunning landscapes of Hawaii, ‘AIRTime’ is a 4K drone film, which chronicles a mix of travel experiences filmed across 12 countries over 7 months.” It is stunning.

Tomorrow in 1536. 480 years ago tomorrow, Swiss Protestants in Strassbourg and Constance signed the First Helvetic Confession. *

Bringing Their Faith to Work

WORLD has an article about and for public school teachers who bring their faith to work.

We Will Live Again

This 12-minute video shows the work of the Cryonics Institute as they attempt to preserve bodies for a future where they will be able to revive them and reverse the effects of disease and aging. There are all kinds of spiritual lessons to draw from it!

Thanks to This Week’s Sponsor

Thanks to Tabletalk for sponsoring the blog this week. Get a free trial and CD set on Islam now.


The resurrection of Christ is the most joyful event that ever came to pass.

—Jonathan Edwards

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