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Weekend A La Carte (November 12)

I am not aware of any significant new Kindle deals today, but readers of printed books will want to know that Banner of Truth has a Christmas sale going on. It includes some of their best titles.

Not An Iota

What did Jesus mean when he said, “until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished?”

The Lasting Influence of Francis Schaeffer’s Apologetics

Douglas Blount: “Francis Schaeffer championed an understanding of reason and faith that influenced a generation of christian scholars.” Here he tells how.

The Media Stable: Time for a Clear Out

I think most people will agree with David Murray: “If anything’s clear from the past days, large tracts of the commentariat are past their smell-by date. Multitudes of them have utterly failed in their duty to the public and yet none of them will lose their jobs.”

Three Myths About World Missions

Ramon Lull lists them and asks what keeps you from going.

5 Ways to Doubt Your Doubts

Tim Keller: “Our most rigorous rational thinking is shot through with various forms of faith. Even skeptical doubt always contains an element of belief.”

This Day in 1950. 66 years ago today Paul Tripp was born. Happy birthday, Paul!

Ernie Johnson’s Perspective

Ernie Johnson (a sportscaster) has a great perspective on the election aftermath.

Beautiful Geometric Structures

Humans have created some stunning geometric structures that are visible from above. This video shows some of them.

Flashback: Christians Know Better

I guess it could sound like the most arrogant claim a Christian can make. I guess it could come across as pride or outright hubris. But the boldness of the claim does not diminish its truth. The fact is, Christians know better.

Introducing “The Residency Ph.D.,” A Doctoral Program in Community

My thanks goes to MBTS for sponsoring the blog this week!


It is a sweet mercy to have to go through the floods, if some filthiness may thereby be removed.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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