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Weekend A La Carte (November 18)

A La Carte Collection cover image

My thanks goes to Mitch Maher for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about Clarifying the Bible & Clarifying The Apostle Paul. Both are tremendous resources.

Today’s Kindle deals include Thomas Schreiner’s excellent title on the spiritual gifts as well as several other good books and commentaries. I also added a list of historical and general market titles that caught my eye.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Truth About Lies)

I’m Adopted

Malinda shares a sweet and vulnerable article on her adoption. “I still struggle with depressive cycles. At times, I still feel unwanted, unloved and discardable. At times, I’m triggered by events and people in my present that reinforce the trauma of my past. And yet, God is faithful. He continues to reveal places of hurt and anguish and there’s still weeping. But there’s also rejoicing. I’ve even come to the place of being able to rejoice in my earthly adoption—looking at it beyond “being lucky.” In the process of learning to see my earthly adoption as a gift, I’ve learned a few things.”

G. K. Beale on the Expected Universalization of the Old Testament Land Promises

TGC has a clarifying trio of articles here. “On the one-month anniversary of the war between Hamas and Israel, we asked three senior evangelical statesmen—G. K. Beale, Darrell Bock, and Gerald McDermott—to explain the depths of this biblical relationship between Israel and the land and to consider whether it continues to be relevant to the church in our time.” You can read the other entries here: Darrell Bock | Gerald McDermott

What Does John 10:10 Mean?

“Jesus’ mission statement in John 10:10 states, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ If your interpretation of ‘abundantly’ doesn’t go beyond fine dining, designer clothes, or a luxury car, then you are missing His point.” Tyler Kenney explains.

Peace Near the End of the Road

Andy writes very movingly about his wife’s final days. “Robyn’s disease has progressed significantly. She sleeps most of the day now. When she is awake she has very little energy. We have had to stop all visits as it’s been just too much for her. We don’t know how much longer she will be with us.”

Natural Landscape Photo Awards

There are some tremendously beautiful photos to admire in this list of competition winners.

Work Hard To Be Encouraged

“‘What’d you think of that sermon?’ An innocent question with zero ill intent, but one I’m trying to avoid.” It’s worth reading Jacob’s reasoning.

Flashback: Set Loose in a Mud Pit

When your heart is at peace, so too can be your hands, your feet, and your mouth. In times of difficulty, then, display in your outward demeanor the peace that rules within.

God sometimes drives a very straight nail with a very poor hammer.

—De Witt Talmage

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