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Weekend A La Carte (October 8)

The Lord bless and keep you as you serve him this weekend.

There’s a pretty good list of Kindle deals today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Christian, When Persecution Comes: Embrace It)

The Great Tribulation—When and How Long?

“I am often asked whether or not the ‘tribulation’ is a seven year period which immediately precedes the second coming of Jesus Christ, or is it the entire period of time between Christ’s first and second advent, the so-called ‘great tribulation?’” Kim Riddelbarger answers from an amillennial perspective.

Even When I Hate My Body, God Calls it Good

“I said ‘I hate my body.’ The words came out like venom. And in that moment, I meant each one. It’s not even just the way my body looks. No, it’s the way it feels.”

What does Genesis 6:6 mean when it says that God repented? (Video)

Sinclair Ferguson answers a question about what the Bible means when it says that God repented or relented.

The prayers of God’s people

“Sometimes we wonder why things are happening as they are in the church. Why is the Lord doing this or that among us? We aren’t complaining – we are often grateful – but nonetheless wonder. But then we find out that people have been praying specifically for that thing. That is a real privilege.”

Beware of Pride: A Short Cautionary Tale

Here is a short, cautionary tale about that most persistent of foes.

Something to Ponder

“The book of Psalms tends to become a favourite for people who have faced some challenges in life. Perhaps you have experienced grief over the loss of a loved one, discouragement during a dark season of life, or any other challenges that set the Psalms into vivid colour in our hearts. Once we know of the soul food kept in that storehouse, we tend to find ourselves returning again and again.”

Flashback: What To Expect When Battling Sin

To become a Christian is to accept the lifelong challenge of becoming who you are — of putting sin to death and growing in holiness. Today I want to channel a little John Owen and tell you three things you ought to expect when battling sin.

There is nothing standing in the records of eternity against any soul that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.

—Charles Spurgeon

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