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A La Carte (September 25)


If you’re into Kindle deals, unfortunately today is not your day. But I’m pretty sure there will be a batch tomorrow.

Holding Grief and Joy in Tandem

Lara d’Entremont reflects on holding grief and joy in tandem. “While living on this earth marred by sin’s curse, we will always be in this awkward place of celebration and mourning. Some losses that caused us grief may be restored and replaced, while others may not or cannot be. And so in those times we will walk our road holding hands with joy and grief, sometimes talking to one more than the other.”

Burning Bright

I really enjoyed this one!

What English Bible Translation Should I Use? (Video)

This is a good answer to a common question.

About Those Old White Men

Melissa remembers and celebrates some of the old white men who have impacted her along the way.

Francis James Grimké – Through a Pandemic and Social Unrest

Simonetta Carr: “We are not the first generation who must deal with a pandemic and racial unrest at the same time. The Spanish flu of 1918 hit America at a time when racial segregation and lynching of blacks were commonplace and largely ignored by the majority of Americans. Francis James Grimké led his congregation through both challenges, while defending human rights in his speeches and writings.”

Gospel + Safety + Time = A Church Where Anyone Can Grow

It’s an interesting formula, this one.

What to Do When Life is Miserable

What do you do when life is miserable? Maybe this…

Flashback: Maintaining Confidence in the Process

Though it’s right to be harsh with our sin, it’s also right to be patient with our growth.

What would our hospitality look like if we believed that Jesus’s death on the cross was the measure of God’s compassion for someone?

—Gloria Furman

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