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Memorize Scripture With Us!

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A couple of months ago I began an effort to memorize Scripture with other people who read this site. My initial projection of having thirty people interested in participating was quickly shattered and there are now more than 1100 participating. Those who have been participating from the beginning have now memorized Psalm 8, Psalm 103 and Romans 12. Speaking personally I can say that the time I’ve spent committing Scripture to memory has been profoundly important. It has been rich in a spiritual sense and has fed my soul. Perhaps best of all, it has really renewed my love for Scripture and my belief in its power, importance and relevance.

I’d like to invite you to participate in this program. It’s very simple. We are focusing on longer portions of Scripture though I am also sending out weekly “Fighter Verses” for those who prefer to memorize shorter portions. This week we are beginning a new passage–Romans 13. It is a great passage that reminds us to submit to those whom God has put in authority over us, “for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” It tells us to pay our taxes with joy “for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing.” And it challenges us to fulfill God’s law through love. “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”

So if you are not currently working on memorizing portions of the Bible, why not join in? I am convinced that if you make the commitment you will soon realize the blessings.

Every Sunday I send out an email to remind you of the passage we are working on, to let you know about the new Fighter Verse, and to encourage you to press on. If you’d like to participate in the program, just send along your name and email address using this little form. You’re free, of course, to unsubscribe at any time.

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