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My Top Articles of 2013

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Tis the season for year-end round-ups, and it is a good time for such business matters because readership always plunges dramatically during the holiday season. I took some time to look back at my statistics from the year that was, and here are the articles that got the greatest number of readers in 2013:

10. The Art and Science of the Humblebrag – This tongue-in-cheek article was about social media and the humblebrag.

9. In the Crosshairs of the Discernment Bloggers – This article is about my experience of being in the crosshairs of the discernment bloggers.

8. Lessons Learned at Strange Fire – These were my reflections on the Strange Fire conference and book.

7. Thinking Biblically About C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries – This was an attempt to share my own thinking on the news about C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries.

6. 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Wife – This was a follow-up for the article that takes the #1 spot below.

5. Jesus Calling – This has been on the “most popular” lists for three years now. Sarah Young’s books continue to sell and continue to generate controversy.

4. Stopping An Affair Before It Begins – This was a simple word on how to protect a marriage from sexual sin.

3. The Porn-Free Family – The popularity of this article shows me just how helpless parents feel in the face of all the electronic temptations that face our families today.

2. John MacArthur Answers His Critics – This one comes as no great surprise. This was the first part of an interview with MacArthur that followed his Strange Fire conference.

1. 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids – This one took me rather by surprise and quickly became not only the most popular article of 2013, but the most popular (non-book review) article I’ve ever written.

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