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What’s Encouraging You at Your Church?

What's Encouraging in Your Church

A couple of days ago I was eager for some encouragement, so put the question out to Twitter: What’s something encouraging you’ve seen in your church over the past few months? The answers were a blessing to me! And, just so you can be encouraged as well, I thought I’d share some of them with you. Here’s how the Lord is at work in churches around the world… (If you receive this via the email newsletter, you may need to click here to read it properly.)

We are celebrating our 20th anniversary this month. We scripted a video for our celebration, but then we also asked each interviewee to tell us one thing they love about our church. Every single person said it’s that the word of God is faithfully preached week in and week out. ????????

— Chelsea Stanley (@chelseakstanley) January 4, 2019

Good attendance of AND participation in a new pre-service prayer time, music team growing organically with humble servants, fairly smooth transition of new lead pastor, many new members joining and plugging into ministry right away.

— Jordan Smith (@Malfhok) January 4, 2019

Our church started an American Sign Language class so that we could love and care for a little one in our congregation who is deaf. Every time I see someone sign to him my heart overflows.

— Elizabeth Garn (@GarnElizabeth) January 5, 2019

We’ve had 30-40 former cult members leave their former cult and embrace Grace. Several have been baptized. They are doing very well finding their way into the church. It is very exciting.

— Scott Reavely (@ScottReavely) January 5, 2019

An urgency for older women to take more seriously their calling to mentor younger women.

— Lynn Trigg (@LynnTrigg1) January 5, 2019

1. People turning from sin and self sacrificially loving others. 2. People praying. 3. People studying the Bible 4. People enjoying and sharing the gospel.

— Larry Norman (@fotidzo) January 4, 2019

Church members asking to meet early morning to pray (not because I told them they should!) and a younger generation taking on the mantle of responsibility

— Dafydd Job (@DafyddJob) January 5, 2019

A 74 year old man that was born again by hearing the Gospel preached and the Spirit of the Lord drawing him to repent and the conversion was made!New creature in Christ Jesus! The right way as the Bible speaks of ,still works !

— G. William Knott (@Gknott1970) January 5, 2019

The gospel wasn’t forgotten, or buried beneath Christmas. It was both proclaimed and practiced. There are no other things more encouraging than that!

— Chris Thomas (@cbthomas76) January 5, 2019

Our church (membership around 300) sent a family to plant a church in Japan. They are the 38th missionary family we have sent out in the last 12 years!!

— Trent Cornwell (@TrentCornwell) January 5, 2019

Willingness to work through differences and a desire to share the gospel.

— Jarrod Murdock (@utjrod) January 5, 2019

The commitment to the God’s Word. Growth in number is happening but are not the most important thing, our caracter has been improved and the action that reflects on our communion. Praise the Lord!

— Elielder B. Melo (@ElielderBM) January 4, 2019

Our former teaching pastor worked w/ our elders very amicably as he made plans to move back to his home state; our elders worked carefully & prayerfully to select a new pastor; and our church has gladly welcomed & received the new pastor (I think!). Very thankful for this body.

— John Veazey (@JohnGVeazey) January 4, 2019

My church in MS took over the property of a church that had closed its doors in Rochester, NY, hired a pastor to restart it, sent teams to renovate the building, and three young families are moving there to live and serve.

— Bob Rogers (@DrBobRogers) January 4, 2019

Ordination of 4 new deacons, 2 baptisms (in December) and spiritual growth in a church that was on a downward spiral. Satan will not have victory in our city!

— Crystal Brewer (@crybrew) January 4, 2019

We are starting a one-year journey through the Bible at all our locations and discussing the sermons in our LIFE groups. It’s a great way to encourage everyone to read through the entire Bible if they have not already done so.

— Cliff Clayman (@cclayman77) January 4, 2019

In his prayer before starting his sermon, our pastor always prays for a local church.

— Elaine Mazzo (@psalm16v5) January 4, 2019

If you’d like to read more, you can see the whole conversation right here.

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