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Book Review – “Mormonism Explained”

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Mormonism seems to be on the rise. I read recently that some estimates suggest that by the end of this century there may be close to 300 million Mormons in the world. With the Mormon obsession with proselytizing and with their skill at winning converts, it seems a given that we will hear more and more in years to come about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Once considered little more than a fringe cult, it is fast entering the religious mainstream.

Many Christians seem unsure of how to react to the rise of Mormonism. Mormons are adept at using Christian language and in affirming their love of the Bible and of Jesus Christ. But behind the language and behind the similarities is a whole world of difference. Christians do well to arm themselves with some knowledge of this religion and of those who adhere to it. In his new book Mormonism Explained, Andrew Jackson offers a book that can do just that. A short study and one geared to the popular level, the book, well, it simply explains Mormonism. I do not mean to be flippant but in this case the title really summarizes the book. Jackson looks at the religion’s origins, its teaching and then spends several chapters teaching about the Mormon concept of salvation. In about 200 pages he gives a ground-level introduction to this religion and shows how it is not consistent with the Christian faith.

Perhaps a useful way of summarizing the book would be by providing this, an endorsement I wrote for it many months ago: Mormonism Explained is a lucid and steady guide to the beliefs and practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Relying on Mormonism’s original sources, Andrew Jackson shows what Mormons believe and how they practice their faith. With this religion ever more in the mainstream and with much confusion as to what it really teaches, this book is a valuable, accessible and timely contribution.

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