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Reviews I Didn’t Write

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I love writing book reviews and I love reading them. Since I cannot possibly read and review all of the interesting books out there, I’ve decided to put together some occasional round-ups of reviews written by other writers. Here are a few notable links I’ve collected over the past few weeks.

The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips – review by Douglas Wilson. “Phillips begins with the facts of creation and sin, moves on to God’s plan of redemption for us, discusses what justification and regeneration mean (and why they are important), and then concludes with a detailed and very helpful discussion of sanctification and Christian living. If there are any pastors who are looking for a good introductory book for new Christians and/or new members, this book ought to be on their short list. For any older Christians who are mentoring younger ones, this would also be a good book to read together.”

The Transforming Power of the Gospel by Jerry Bridges – review by David Steele. “Bridges continues his winning ways in his newest book, The Transforming Power of the Gospel. The foundation of his approach is the holiness of God. Building upon this sure foundation, Bridges carefully constructs a framework that accurately reflects the gospel – a gospel that truly transforms lives.”

Bloodlines by John Piper – review by Jeffrey Waddington. “This is a wide-ranging and searching volume that addresses a perennial problem. At the end of the day, the only satisfactory answer to racism is the reconciling blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrating ministry of the Holy Spirit that glorifies God the Father. When we are reconciled to the Father by the Son through the Spirit, this spills over into reconciliation with our fellow human beings. Piper does not pretend to have offered the last word on this subject. But it is a powerful word.”

Journeys of Faith by Robert Plummer, et al. – review by Carl Trueman. “Perhaps the most refreshing aspect of this book is the passion with which the authors write. Those whose idea of theological conversation is simply to assert the relative nature of all truth, or at least all of your truth, will find themselves irritated on almost every page. The contributors to this book believe in truth and, refreshingly, believe it so strongly that they think they have each moved to positions that are better – more true – than those they once held.”

Loving the Way Jesus Loves by Phil Ryken – review by David Murray. “You will come away from his book softened, mellowed, calmed, entranced, even inspired, and all by an eloquently stunning exposition of love. As you read, you gently and enjoyably swing between praise: ‘Thank you, Jesus, for loving me like that!’ to prayer: ‘Help me, Jesus to love you; and to love like you.’ Or I could easily conceive of an unbeliever reading it and praying, ‘Lord Jesus, please love me like this.’”

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