A La Carte (December 30)
A La Carte: Honor your elderly parents / Retired from resolutions / Why we can’t focus / Be committed to leave a legacy / A broken relationship with dad / Kindle deals / and more.
Curated content for Christians
A La Carte: Honor your elderly parents / Retired from resolutions / Why we can’t focus / Be committed to leave a legacy / A broken relationship with dad / Kindle deals / and more.
A La Carte: The little child who brings a rod / How Christian men act like men / When the growing is slow / Creativity in devotional time with God / What happens when we share the gospel? / and more.
A La Carte: Bespoke spirituality / Top 10 YouTubes of 2024 / John Piper on using and overusing commentaries / 12 practical ways to evangelize / You’ll never really settle in / and more.
A La Carte: The thief’s good works / It’s a wonderful strife / The forgotten qualification / How to spend your time during the final days of the year / A new poem / Lessons for church planters/ and more.
A La Carte: Holiday blues / Biblical justice requires strong rules of evidence / Christmas used to be perfect (then I grew up) / Praise God for boring days / What did Mary know? / In awe of the aged / and more.
A La Carte: Christmas as crisis / How not to use AI / What gifts would wise women bring? / 5 habits that changed my life / Beauty and brokenness / Kindle deals / and more.
A La Carte: Chatbots aren’t a solution to our loneliness epidemic / Struggling with sexual intimacy / Christmas, a day for the suffering / What is total depravity? / The God over geopolitics / and more.
A La Carte: From transgender to Christian / Forgive us our debts / Did the Son of God leave heaven to come to earth? / 9 ways to help those who are suffering / Does this prove Mary wasn’t a virgin? / and more.
A La Carte: The astronaut who left NASA to support healthy churches / The cradle that rocked the world / Are Catholics Christian? / Why we need beautiful churches / On stumbling / and more.
A La Carte: Grief and gratitude at Christmas / Navigating unwanted singleness / What the demons sang / Teach your teen about Christian freedom / Common interests / and more.
A La Carte: The Virgin Mary and modern therapeutic culture / Relational heresy and doctrinal heresy / The darkness does not win / How does God deliver from pain by pain? / Christmas with your adult children / and more.
A La Carte: Have you lost the ability to think deeply? / Does God command me to trust my spouse? / Thoughts on suicide / Preaching from a manuscript / God is not in a good mood / Kindle deals / and more.
A La Carte: Male and female forever? / The shortcomings of Jordan Peterson / The thief who steals joy / Letter to a progressive Christian / The weary world rejoices / and more.
A La Carte: Why I am not Catholic / Mastering your self / The Reformation moment is our moment / Is living together before marriage really a sin? / What if we let the Bible form us in 2025? / and more.
A La Carte: Christmas words and phrases you didn’t want to admit you didn’t understand / Godliness is attainable / Does God hate the sin but love the sinner? / Odd Christmas phrases / Quick to strategize and slow to pray / and more.
A La Carte: Best Christian music of 2024 / Top theology stories of 2024 / The woke left and right show no mercy / The seven “P”s of prayer / Wrap up some stuff this Christmas / and more.
A La Carte: Take heed lest you fall into an affair / Empty ritual is the enemy / Will I suffer my singleness forever? / Come all the not so faithful / The art of getting out of the way / Kindle deals / and more.
A La Carte: Tortured, imperfect, and held by Jesus / Let the feminist mock / What is the wrath of God? / As long as there is time / Every believer’s call to meaningful ministry / Kindle deals / and more.
A La Carte: Hunter Biden and a father’s pardon / How to avoid a midlife crisis / John Piper on creepy, darker media / The Supreme Court and the transgender minors case / and much more.
A La Carte: Satan’s “pastor’s heart” / What no earthly love may rival / Serious ministry / A baby brings hope and a future / What one Chinese pastor can teach you / Logos and Kindle sale / and more.