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Letters to the Editor #3

A couple of months ago I made the decision to remove the comment section on my blog. I did so largely because comments can only succeed where there is good moderation, and I was increasingly unable to provide that. The fault, then, was not in the commenters, but in me. In lieu of comments I have decided to accept (and encourage) letters to the editor. Today I share some of the letters to the editor that have come in this week. I would invite those of you who read the blog regularly to consider reading these letters as a part of the back-and-forth between writer and readers.

General Comments

I have long wondered how you manage to find such a delightful range of fascinating articles for your a la carte posts. There are so many that I want to follow up on (though I don’t have time to read them all), and I wondered where you find and how you choose the best ones to feature?
—Megan S, Moneta, VA

Tim: In short, I use Feedly to collect and collate a lot of blogs and other sites. A couple of times every day I see what’s there, read the ones that look best, and share the few that I think will be interesting to others. My general sense is that if it is interesting to me, it is probably interesting to others as well. I deliberately attempt not to share things that I don’t find interesting, even if I think others will.

I am a bit concerned about your decision to remove comments from your blog. I have noticed that this is a growing practice on many blogs and news outlets these days. In fact, I am not the only one to notice. Breitbart just published an excellent article on the matter. I have always found the comments section to be a great way for readers to interact with one another on the things that you have posted about. I really think that we lose a bit of community when the comment sections are taken from us. I really do hope you will consider bringing them back.—Jeremy P, Denton, TX

Tim: I do not disagree. However, successful comment sections require a lot of moderating and oversight; I haven’t been convinced that this would be the best use of my time right now.

Comments on I Went Away for Just 6 Days…

I was just thinking. The picture you chose to depict Justin Trudeau, is that the most appropriate photo of him to use? It objectifies him, turning him into a sex symbol. Which is likely true of how society views him, but in the context of your blog, wouldn’t such a photo cause people to lust after Mr. Trudeau, i.e. sin? To help illustrate what I mean, you likely wouldn’t post a similar photo if Mr. Trudeau was a woman. And ultimately, there are a lots of more appropriate photos of Trudeau out there, fully clothed. Just something to think about.
Brian J, Ottawa, ON

Here in Kentucky we are having a gubernatorial election in a few days. I have been feeling the same way as you expressed yourself in this article. I normally always vote for the candidate from the same party, but this year neither candidate is someone I would like to have dinner with. But, I don’t want to throw my vote away by not using it. As my wife and I will be out of town on election day we absentee voted a few days ago and I had to pick one of the choices, neither of who I really want to see in the job for the next four years. I feel much better about voting since reading your blog post. I will also read it this Sunday to the Seniors Sunday School Class I teach at our PCA church. Thanks for your thoughts that showed me I did the right thing in voting no matter how I feel about the candidates. God will win the election ultimately!
Tom B, Georgetown, KY

First, is the half naked photo of Justin Trudeau a true representation of him? A rhetorical question. Next, the opinion not fact based comment of Trudeau’s eagerness to lead the people licentiously into the future. Pointing out the legalization of marijuana and the exclusion of pro lifers to his parliament. Really? The fact is Trudeau was elected as- a result of the citizens of Canada voting strategically in order to oust Harper. The Canadian voting system is flawed and the people want to see reforms to the current system. Canadians aren’t putting their trust in Trudeau so much as they are going to hold him accountable to fulfill the promises he made during the campaign. Canadians want a government that represents it’s values, beliefs and needs. One thing this election did was wake the people up and get them out to vote. We have the right and responsibility to hold the government accountable. Why are you making this about religion? Also rhetorical as you are clearly wanting to promote your religious agenda.
Helen S, Hells Gate, BC

I just wanted to say thank you for this article as a reminder that God is Sovereign. I work for a Fortune 50 company whereas my manager informed me about a month ago that our entire department (500+ employees) is being shipping offshore to India and we will be notified of losing our jobs sometime in the next 6 months. So my job search has begun. I have sent about 10-15 resumes out and have only heard back from one company. I have had 2 interviews with them, and I am anxiously awaiting feedback from them on whether I move to the final step or not. I do not do the waiting game very well and have been on an emotional rollercoaster. Part of this rollercoaster is trusting in myself or trusting in what the hiring manager at this potential new company thinks of me or what my current company thinks of me. This article served a great reminder and convicted me that God rules over all….over countries and their leaders and even companies and their leaders. The Lord will reign forever. Thank you for reminding me to hold to that truth for I was being rebellious and not wanting to believe that the Lord reigns and He cares. Now to wait upon the Lord for He reigns. Now to trust in the Lord for He reigns. Now to focus on the Lord for He reigns. Now to approach His throne and seek his Peace and Rest for He reigns.
Greg T , Prosper, TX

Comments on We Cannot Be Silent

In your recent review of Mohler’s “We Cannot Be Silent”, you wrote, ‘It closely and critically examines the defining moral issues of our day—sex, gender, and sexuality—and stands firm on the unpopular, traditional, biblical viewpoints.’ While I agree that clearly, graciously (and, if possible, winsomely) articulating the biblical vision for human sexuality is escapably the duty of the modern church, I think it is unfortunately reductive to describe sex, gender and sexuality as the ‘defining moral issues of our day.’ Unless Reformed, evangelical Christians simply identify with a particular political framework at every turn, it seems to me that there are other, equally pressing issues, that are no less definitive of the wasteland in which Western society finds itself. Global poverty, abortion, climate change, the role of corporations in the political sphere, mental illness, individualism – all of these are profoundly moral issues that are particular present in this late-modern age. To suggest otherwise is to truncate the breadth of the Scriptures’ prophetic witness to our world and diminish the scope of Christ’s lordship. It isn’t a question of choosing one and being silent on the other. Christianity is neither liberal, nor progressive. It is biblical, and therefore conforms to no predetermined label on the political spectrum.
Michael P, Sydney, NSW Australia

Comments on I Demand Justice

Hey Tim. I really appreciate this new forum, hope you are finding it beneficial. My husband’s father fought in WW II; we share a constant study of it and the truth that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. We were in Germany a few years ago, and the one place my husband could never visit is a concentration camp. Thank you for sharing the impact it had on you. Your gifted writing served your readers well, yet again. As I read your personal application to the demand for all justice or none at all, I thought of the abortion issue. Many rightly judge the abhorrence of it, the murder of millions of children. I was recently convicted of the words of Christ that I’m not sure we think about often enough. “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment;” (Matt 5:21) I have since taken that act of murder in my own heart more serious than ever.
Patti N, Berkley, Michigan

Comments on Custom-Crafted Kids

I have recently thought that what makes the electing work of God so marvelous is the fact that it is not only for a position or status (i.e. to be justified), but also for a purpose. Again in Romans, Paul makes the point that God’s foreknowledge and predestination of us was done so that we might be “conformed to the image of his Son.” (Romans 8:29) This concept is echoed in Ephesians 2:10 (“created in Christ Jesus for good works…”) and other places as well. So election aims at conformity to Christ, which should spur us to cultivate Christlikeness passionately and with highest priority. What is more, this goal of being made like Christ brings ultimate honor and glory to him. Yes, God loves us because he loves us (Deuteronomy 7:7-8), but also because he loves his Son and has planned to make us like him. May our view of election go beyond our appreciation that God would set his love on us and land on the glorious reality of how he loves his Son.
Alan S, Valencia, CA

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