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Catch a Tither By the Tail

Sometimes I read a bit of satire that is so obvious that I know I should have thought of it myself. I’m a clever guy, so why couldn’t I have come up with this brilliant idea? Anyways, LarkNews wrote a hilarious article about a Christian reality show where several pastors vye for the attendance of a Christian man worth $100 million. But there is a catch! Only after the show was complete did they find out that he doesn’t believe in tithing!

LOS ANGELES – A group of seven pastors is suing Fox Television Network for allegedly misleading them during their participation in a reality show, “Catch a Tither By the Tail.”

The program, which airs in September, features the pastors vying for the affections and attendance of a Christian man worth $100 million. But producers introduced a twist: The millionaire didn’t believe in tithing. Would the winning pastor love and care for the man anyway, or would the lost opportunity for large tithe checks ruin the relationship?

“We were duped,” says pastor Ron Hazeley, the lead complainant in the suit. He and the others say they were lured to participate under false pretenses. They hope to keep the program from airing.

“It’s not about the money; it’s about integrity,” he says. “You can’t lie to people just to make good television.”

But producers say the pastors were happy to participate until the twist was revealed.

“They were the most agreeable bunch of neck-huggers I’d ever seen,” says one producer. He says they don’t want the world to witness their brutal competition.

Preview episodes depict the pastors talking behind each other’s backs and playing up their own big vision to the millionaire to attract his allegiance. One pastor pulled him aside and prayed for him. Another shed tears while describing his vision for a Christian elder-care facility.

Check out the rest of the story here.

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