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Ligonier Ministries – New Web Site

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The new site is beautiful. Their designers did an exceptional job crafting a site that looks beautiful and still functions well (though what’s with the use of tables instead of CSS? I guess I’ve turned into a bit of a CSS-snob.). Their use of Flash is also very good, using it to enhance the site and not to provide any core functionality. The site offers a Flash-disabled version. Be sure to notice that there are two levels of submenus, a first level that appears immediately below the main navigation, and a second level that appears in the right sidebar of the site. You’ll miss some great features if you pass over the right sidebar.

One of the best new features can be found at the bottom of the main page where the site offers excerpts from Dr. Sproul’s excellent book Now, That’s A Good Question. Buried in the site is another good feature, Dr. Sproul On…. Be sure to also work your way through the submenus of Soli Deo Gloria publishing as they offer lots of great information about the Puritans. And, of course, there is a good deal of audio and video content available as well, with a 30-day radio archive and a 15-day TV archive. The audio and video are played with a slick new media player. Podcasts are also available.

From what I understand, this web site is meant to be constantly growing with plenty of new content to be added. It will likely be worth stopping by regularly.

Dr. Sproul has a new welcome message:

Over forty years ago, my life was changed forever when the Holy Spirit granted me faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Early in my Christian life I sat under several men of God who taught me the life-changing truths of biblical Christianity. But as I began my ministry, I soon recognized that not every person has been so blessed.

Concerned that too many believers lack the in-depth knowledge of God, I helped found Ligonier Ministries over 35 years ago. Starting as a small study center in western Pennsylvania, our outreach grew as teaching resources were produced and sent around the world. It quickly became apparent that our need was to bridge the gap between Sunday school and seminary. Our commitment over the decades has never changed: to faithfully present the unvarnished truth of Scripture to help people grow in their knowledge of God and His holiness.

We produce teaching series covering Bible study, apologetics, theology, Christian living, philosophy, and church history. Most of our resources are offered on popular media such as DVD, CD, and MP3, as well as VHS and Cassette. We also guide the growing Christian or the inquiring skeptic to the best books on many subjects. Soli Deo Gloria, a division of Ligonier Ministries, reprints the best of 16th and 17th century Christian literature. Reformation Trust is our publishing initiative dedicated to publishing my new books as well as other contemporary authors.

Ligonier also supports the Christian community through the monthly devotional magazine Tabletalk and through many conferences held throughout the United States each year. We also work to spread the Gospel to a global audience through our daily teaching broadcast, Renewing Your Mind, on DirecTV, radio, and this website.

Whether you are a new Christian or mature believer, we hope that you will find Ligonier Ministries helpful to your growth in Christ. May God bless you as you seek to be faithful to His Word. Welcome!

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