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On Living Room Refrigerators & Other Ramblings

Misc Rambling 1: We have a rather large refrigerator in our living room. It is in the corner between the bookshelf and the couch, right where the rocking chair usually sits. Now you may want to ask “Tell me, Tim, why do you have a fridge in your living room?” I won’t leave you hanging. Like most people we have a fridge in our kitchen but it is not behaving very well these days. It does silly things like freezing the vegetables and thawing the meat. It’s also dripping some horrible green liquid onto the floor. So several weeks ago I told my landlord about this and last night he brought us a new fridge. He was thrilled to find one for a good price and that the price didn’t include delivery he found a way to get it for nearly free. You see, our neighborhood runs on an economy of beer. If you want your driveway cleared in the winter, you talk to Bob and he’ll do it for the appropriate amount of beer. Similarly if you want some help cleaning out your garage, you wave some bottles of beer around and the help will magically appear. My landlord bargained a truck from a guy down the street in exchange for a case of beer and used that truck to deliver the fridge. So anyways, back to the explanation of why there is a fridge dominating my living room. A new fridge, unfortunately, has to sit for 24 hours before it can be plugged in. We will not have room for it in the kitchen until the old fridge moves out, so for now we have two – one in the kitchen and the other in the living room. It is a situation we hope to remedy by tomorrow.

Misc Rambling 2: I can never tell which articles here will catch people’s attention and which will not. I have written articles that I thought were brilliant pieces of writing and would surely be the spark to fuel a worldwide revival. But it seems whenever I think something is really good I am the only one who thinks so. Other times I will throw together an article and barely even proof-read it only to find it posted all over the Internet (that’s an exaggeration) and reads tens of thousands of time (that’s not). Whenever that happens I find myself wishing I had taken a lot more time to proof-read it and tidy it up! It’s quite embarrassing, really.

Misc Rambling 3: At this very moment you can order a piece of Challies Dot Com memorabilia that I’m sure will be priceless some day. Or do I mean valueless? David Cloud has published a book about The Passion of the Christ and included one of my articles in it. I am sure more people would consider that a shame than an honor. I’m on the fence about it.

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