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The 2011 Christian Readers Survey

Christian Readers SurveyIn May of last year I created a Christian Readers survey. This was an attempt to answer some questions I had been asking myself about where we buy our books and why we buy them there. I started with the question, “Why do people shop at one e-commerce store and not another” and went from there. The results, based on over 2200 responses, were very interesting, not just to me, but to you (judging by the comments I received) and to Christian booksellers and publishers. (You can see last year’s results right here).

Now that a year has elapsed, I thought the time was right to do another survey. This one is the same, but different. I improved upon last year’s questions while swapping a few others in and out. And now I’d be grateful if you’d take just a few moments to fill it out. There are just 20 questions and I can’t imagine that it would take you more than 5 minutes to complete. Thanks in advance for your participation!

I promise to share the results with you when all is said and done…

Click Here to Complete the Survey

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