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Free Stuff Fridays

Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Banner of Truth. They have 5 prize packages to give away, which means 5 winners will each receive the following titles:

Learning OTLearning About the Old Testament, by Allan Harman (small paperback, 144 pp.). How does the Old Testament relate to your faith? Is it just a collection of thrilling stories and strange rules which have been superseded by the New Testament? Or is it a source of guidance and learning that helps maintain a vigorous Christian life? In Learning About the Old Testament Allan Harman explains many different aspects of the Old Testament, particularly the importance of covenant in God’s relations with humanity. ‘Allan Harman’s volume is a very useful introduction to the Old Testament.’ — John Currid

steps towards heaven 3DSteps Towards Heaven, by J.C. Ryle (small paperback, 160 pp.). Steps Towards Heaven is designed to help the reader understand his position in the sight of God. Its five chapters, which clearly explain what the Bible teaches about Sin, Salvation, Conversion, Justification, and the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit, will help to dispel the darkness of misunderstanding and bring the reader into the light of God’s truth. Above all, this book will leave the reader in no doubt that real Christianity is the outworking of a supernatural work of the Spirit of God in the human soul.

CrookThe Crook in the Lot, by Thomas Boston (Puritan Paperback, 168 pp.). By ‘lot’, Boston means our ‘lot in life’, the shape of our lives as they are styled by God’s many providences. By ‘crook’, he means those unforeseen troubles that afflict, unsettle, or disturb us in any way. Boston sets out to minister pastoral wisdom and help to God’s people experiencing what Paul calls ‘the sufferings of this present time’ (Rom. 8:18). The Crook in the Lot is pastoral medicine prepared in the laboratory of Boston’s own personal and ministerial sufferings. It is little wonder that Jonathan Edwards considered Boston ‘a truly great divine’. He was indeed!

Peace Rest

The Way to True Peace and Rest, by Robert Bruce (Puritan Paperback, 222 pp.). It was said of Robert Bruce that ‘no man in his time spake with such evidence and power of the Spirit’. One is certainly left with that impression after reading The Way to True Peace and Rest, his six sermons on Isaiah 38, a chapter that records the illness that afflicted King Hezekiah of Judah and his reaction to it. With a wonderful blend of faithful exposition, keen insight, and practical application, Bruce urges his hearers to ‘take heed to the various aspects of this account, that we may learn how to conduct ourselves in the event of our suffering some serious disease; thus, learning from King Hezekiah’s behaviour, we may come to obtain the same comfort he experienced.’

Enter Here

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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