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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays

What a week. I’m glad Friday is here, though it looks like our weekend is going to be even busier than the week that was. Nevertheless, I always look forward to a good weekend and this one is no exception. But first things first.

Andrew Case writes unique books, which is saying something when hundreds of thousands of new titles are being published each year. He writes books of prayers—prayers that are drawn almost entirely from Scripture. Each book is targeted to a very specific readership and contains prayers uniquely suited to that type of person. Today he would like to give you a couple of his books: Setting Their Hope in God and your choice of Water of the Word or Prayers of an Excellent Wife.

Setting their Hope in GodSetting Their Hope in God is a practical prayer-book designed to help parents intercede for their children consistently and biblically. Here’s a blurb I wrote as an endorsement: “As a father, I continually feel inadequate to the task of praying for the three precious children God has entrusted to me. I understand that I need to pray and I genuinely want to pray. Yet I am so often lost when it comes to knowing how. In Setting Their Hope in God, Andrew Case turns to the ultimate prayer book, the Bible, to craft prayers for parents who want to see their children turn to the Lord, to live for the Lord, to honor him with their lives. I am convinced that this book will prove an indispensable resource to many mothers and fathers as they seek to hold up their children before the throne of grace.”

Water of the Word is a practical prayer-book designed to help husbands intercede for their wives consistently and biblically while Prayers of an Excellent Wife is the equivalent book for wives. Of the former, Bruce Ware says “Andrew Case has provided an ingenious and glorious tool for Christian husbands, one that has the potential of binding husbands and wives ever closer together while these prayers seek more intimate relationship between their wives and their God. By employing themes, principles, promises, and pleas from Scripture itself, Case has crafted hundreds of rich and meaningful prayers that any and every Christian husband can pray for his own wife.” And of the latter, Mary Mohler writes “Prayers of An Excellent Wife provides a template that if used properly will indeed produce excellent wives who faithfully and passionately pray God’s word for their precious husbands.”

Case Books

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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