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Free Stuff Fridays (The Master’s University)

Free Stuff Fridays

This weeks giveaway is sponsored by The Master’s University, who also sponsored the blog this week.

There will be five winners this week. Each will receive a copy of God in the Shadows: Evil in God’s World by Dr. Brian Morley and The Gospel According to God by John MacArthur.

God in the Shadows: Evil in God’s World by Dr. Brian Morley

Crime, famine, disease, war, earthquakes, floods; we open our newspapers, or switch on our television sets, and are confronted with pain and suffering in the world. And that doesn’t include a myriad of lesser hurts: daily ones which, while they don’t show up on the news, tear at us nonetheless – relationship breakdowns, disloyalty, rejection.

We all experience pain and evil to some extent and are affected by others who experience it as well. Our suffering is made worse by being unable to understand or explain why it is happening – Where is God in this? Why doesn’t he do something? Is he cruel? Is he there?

Even many Christians, who should know some of the answers, can only offer pop-theology clichés to the question of ‘Why bad things happen?’ Can’t we be more helpful than that?

We should have more confidence. The Bible sheds light on the ultimate resolution of the problem of evil, a problem so central to human experience. Dr. Morley explores how there can be a God who is loving, just and righteous in spite of the fact that the world is full of pain and evil.

Are you putting the blame in the right place? Morley looks at the major reasons for pain and evil: investigating misconceptions about God and illness, the origins of poverty, birth defects and the causes of war. You will be gripped by the thought-provoking nature of his arguments and enlightened by a coping strategy for pain and evil – one that builds a fully-connected world-view into a realisation of our personal part in resolving the problem of evil.

God has understandable and wonderful reasons for bringing about a world like ours – a place of tragedy… and a place of grace.

Dr. Brian Morley is the Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at the Master’s College, Santa Clarita, California. He has taught in European and American Graduate Schools and been an European government consultant on education.

The Gospel According to God by John MacArthur

“He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

Often hailed as one of the greatest chapters in the Bible, the prophecy of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 foretells the crucifixion of Jesus, the central event in God’s ultimate plan to redeem the world.

This book explains the prophetic words of Isaiah 53 verse by verse, highlighting important connections to the history of Israel and to the New Testament—ultimately showing us how this ancient prophecy illuminates essential truths that undergird our lives today.

Enter Here

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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