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True Woman Conference (I)

It somehow seemed appropriate that both the Captain and the First Officer of the flight that took me to the True Woman Conference were women. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I’ve often wondered if a female pilot would laugh if I said, “I’m totally comfortable with you flying the plane, but, you know, I’ve seen my wife’s spatial sense and, well, would you mind letting a man park it?” (If it’s not painfully obvious, I’m joking–don’t hate me.)

Whenever I leave for a conference I pack all kinds of books, but I generally pick up another one at a bookstore in the airport–something that makes for easy reading when I’ve got all kinds of ambient noise, a seat reclined in my face, and somebody I don’t know snoring on my shoulder. Today it was, finally, Three Cups of Tea and I read the first 150 pages. Overrated but still interesting. I splurged and bought a couple of other books as well–one dealing with the Second World War and one with music. We’ll see.

Anyways, the crowds of women are gathering out in the halls as they wait to head into the convention center. For now, here is the scene inside:


And here, from earlier, are the Getty’s and their band, preparing to lead in worship. Things will get underway in about 90 minutes. Tonight we’ll hear messages from John Piper and from Nancy Leigh DeMoss.


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