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A couple of weeks ago, a friend introduced me to the music of Christa Wells. I had never heard of her before and immediately fell in love with her music. Now I often hesitate to share my musical preferences because it seems almost inevitable that as soon as I do so, someone will email and say, “Didn’t you know that she [insert grave sin here].” (Yes, it’s happened before) Nevertheless, I wanted to draw your attention to one of her songs: “Weightless.” You can hear the song by visiting her site (look for the nimbit player and scroll to the song). Give it a listen and ponder the weightlessness of being forgiven.

Nothing scalds
like the memory of wrongs I did when I was young
how could I, how could I
I’m sorry

I see the eyes
of the ones that I so carelessly abused
how could I, how could I
I’m sorry

Well, I’ve carried this a long time
in a well hidden bundle on my back
but I’ve realized repentance is weightless
so I’ll leave my burden on the tracks

And then I face
the yesterdays that disappointed
misunderstood by a cruel world
and I’m angry

You might suppose
the years would close the curtains on a scene
from such a time, but this was mine to harbor

Well, I’ve carried this a long time
in a well-hidden bundle on my back
but I’ve realized forgiveness is weightless
so I’ll leave my burden on the tracks

Its gonna be like delivery that’s overdue and getting too heavy
Then suddenly, I’m weightless

Other favorites on the album are “All The More,” a sweet love song and “On the Mountain,” a song about striving toward the perfection of heaven.

If you like Christa’s music, you can download a free sampler from NoiseTrade or buy her album from Amazon or iTunes.

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