Thursdays are the day I dedicate to reading and writing about the classic books of the Christian faith. We’re well into Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections and have been moving at about a chapter (or heading) per week. This week I did not live up to my end of the bargain. It was one of those crazy weeks where it seems I spent more time out of the house than in and where the time I spent in the house was dedicated to everything but reading. So with my apologies I am going to have to bump this week’s reading into next week. Hopefully this gives us all a chance to take a breather and catch up with our reading. I’ll bring you the next update next Thursday. Sorry!
Lowest and Last of All
The day will come when every man will stand before the Lord and be asked to give an account of his life. God makes clear the basis of this coming judgment: he “will render to each one according to his works.”