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Books I Recommend: Homosexuality

It seems increasingly obvious that homosexuality will be one of the defining issues for the twenty-first century church. Here are several recommended books on the subject of homosexuality.

Top Recommendation

Love Into Light by Peter Hubbard.

Love Into Light is a powerful, biblical, compassionate look at a moral issue that represents a great opportunity for the church. This is a book that will benefit anyone who chooses to read it. It is one leaders would do well to read; it is one pastors will want to read, especially if they are counseling someone who is struggling in this area, searching for identity, wondering what the Bible says. It will shape the Christian’s thinking, it will apply the gospel, it will be a blessing. It is kind, it is biblical, it is pastoral, and it receives my highest recommendation.

Other Recommendations

  • Out of a Far Country, Holy Sexuality and the Holy Sexuality Project by Christopher Yuan. The first of these is biographical while the two that follow are a book and video teaching project. All are highly recommended.
  • Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry is her autobiographical account of coming to Christ and leaving behind her lifestyle.
  • Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey. In this book Pearcey shows how so many of today’s moral issues related to the human body, including homosexuality, arise from a split between facts and values.
  • Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam Allberry.
  • Desire and Deceit by Albert Mohler – Mohler writes about homosexuality in this book about the new sexual tolerance.

And though I haven’t reviewed it, I have read and highly recommend: