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Healthy Sexuality

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Many great Christian resources are available on the topics of sexuality and marriage. In light of so much discussion about sex and marriage in the blogosphere these days, I wanted to highlight a few of the ones I’ve come across that seem to be particularly helpful.

People are in different places: some need to learn or be reminded of God’s design for sex and marriage; others are in the trenches fighting to maintain purity in these areas and need encouragement; still others have suffered deep wounds in the battle and need first aid.

I’ve grouped the resources below to indicate which area of need they pertain most directly to:

Understanding God’s Design for Sex and Marriage

  • The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. This book looks at the friendship and companionship and sex and everything else God has packaged into the marriage relationship. It celebrates it all and it does it within the greatest context of all—the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Check out some of the free resources related to this book.)
  • This Momentary Marriage by John Piper. Piper puts a lot of effort into writing about the link between the union of husband and wife and the union of Christ to his church.You can listen to or watch (for free) the sermon series this book came from.
  • Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God by C.J. Mahaney. Mahaney does a good job of challenging men to be godly husbands. The enduring wisdom here is never to touch your wife’s body until you’ve touched her heart and her mind. Read my review.
  • Sex and the Supremacy of Christ: Desiring God’s 2004 National Conference – free audio (and some video) of messages by Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, David Powlison, Carolyn McCulley, the Mahaneys and, of course, Piper.

Fighting Against Sexual Temptation

Recovering from Sexual Failure

  • Setting Captives Free – This ministry offers free courses designed to help people escape from all kinds of habitual sins, including sexual impurity, through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
  • Addictions: A Banquet in the Grace by Edward T. Welch. A theological and practical book about finding hope and help in Jesus so that we are no longer mastered by our addictions.
  • Undefiled – This book by Dr. Harry Schaumburg is about finding redemption from sexual sin. It seeks to help couples find restoration for breaking or broken relationships.
  • Dr. Schaumburg is also the founder of Stone Gate Resources, a counseling ministry that offers “Biblical Intensive Counseling” workshops for couples who are in need of intensive and immediate help. If your marriage is on the rocks due to sex-related issues, this is a good place to seek help.

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