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Join Me for 10 Days of Productivity

I plan to begin 2016 with 10 days of productivity, and I would love to have you join me. Let me tell you how and why you may want to join this free little program I'm calling (you guessed it!) 10 Days of Productivity.

(Heard enough already? Sign up here.)

As you know, I recently released Do More Better, a book on this very subject. Now I know that there are an awful lot of books on productivity out there, but I believe the one I wrote offers a couple of unique features. First, it provides a compelling definition of productivity that both redefines and elevates what it means to get stuff done. Second, it is very practical, going all the way to the level of helping you choose specific tools and assisting you in setting them up. This combination of a right, biblical understanding of productivity, combined with the best tools and systems—this is powerful.

Do More Better is not just a book to read, but a book to do. 10 Days of Productivity is meant to both complement and supplement the book in this area of putting it into action and keeping it in action. Those 10 days can help get the new year off to a great start. In that time I will lead you through much of the book's content, coaching you as you begin to focus on this new kind of productivity, as you learn to use some new tools, and as you develop some new routines. I will do most of this through emails, though there will also be an optional Facebook group where we can interact.

I want to be clear: This is not 10 days of beginning projects and checking items off a list. This is 10 days of understanding and emphasizing the best and highest kind of productivity in all of life. It is 10 days of preparing to make 2016 a year where you learn to better steward your gifts, time, talent, energy, and enthusiasm for the good of others and the glory of God.


  • Who is it for? I believe productivity, rightly defined, is a universal calling. Therefore this program is for anyone and everyone. It's for students and businessmen, stay-at-home moms and work-from-home dads. Whoever you are and whatever you do, I am confident you will benefit from it.
  • What does it cost? There is no cost to participate, though I highly recommend purchasing a copy of Do More Better (which can be had for as little as $5.99 for Kindle, $5.49 for PDF/ePub, and $8.99 for print).
  • What does it look like to participate? You will receive an email from me on each of the first 10 days of 2016. There will also be a Facebook group where we can interact. (After the program I'll erase your email address, so there is no need to fear spam).
  • Do I need to own Do More Better to participate? No, but it will definitely make the program more valuable. Again, it's an inexpensive book and will contain lots that I can’t cover in these 10 days.
  • Where can I buy Do More Better ? The print and Kindle versions are available at Amazon, while Cruciform Press has the ePub and PDF.
  • How do I get started? All you need to do for now is sign up. I will be in touch near the end of December, and we will kick things off on New Year's Day. You can read the book in advance, read it simultaneously, or not read it at all.

What Reviewers Are Saying

  • David Murray: “Do More Better is the simplest, most concise, most comprehensive, most practical, and most realistic productivity guide that I’ve encountered.”
  • Nick McDonald: “I read this book two weeks ago, and it’s already changed my life. … This isn’t a book I read. It’s a book I DID.”
  • Darryl Dash: “Do More Better, though, is the shortest, clearest, and most practical guide to productivity I’ve read. I’ll be implementing its advice, and I encourage you to read and apply it too.”
  • Gloria Furman: “No doubt, the great claim in the first pages that this book will change your life, is spot on.”
  • David Steele: “his work is God-centered, practical, and offers users immediate help that is sure to boost personal productivity. I commend this excellent work and trust that God will use it to encourage many people!”
  • Eric Davis: “Anyone can tell you what they’re doing that works. It’s quite another thing to shepherd someone through change. I think this book does a fine job of that.”

Image credit: Shutterstock

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