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95 eBooks Sale: Key Books on the Reformation and Reformed Theology

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In recognition of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and Martin Luther’s writing of his 95 Theses, Zondervan has discounted 95 of their key eBooks on the Reformation, Reformed theology, and more. See the deals here.

Many of the books in this sale are worthy reads; some of them have been reviewed on this blog. Below you will find a handful of the deals that are especially practical and powerful.

Check out all the eBooks in Zondervan’s 95 eBooks Sale today. Don’t forget: this sale ends soon, on Sunday, November 5 at 11:59pm ET (11/5/17). Sale prices apply to U.S. websites and some websites in the U.K., Australia, and Canada. Apologies to international readers.

  1. Systematic Theology / Historical Theology Bundle by Wayne Grudem & Gregg Allison is 73% off.
    Sale: $16.99. Original: $62.99
    Are you wondering where should you begin with systematic theology? Systematic Theology is written in such a way that it is suitable for any Christian reader. The companion text, Gregg Allison’s Historical Theology is an interesting book that shows you how each Christian doctrine developed from the early church through the modern era. Both are on sale individually, but you get the best deal when you buy the bundle.

  2. Becoming Worldly Saints by Michael Wittmer is 62% off.
    Sale: $2.99. Original: $7.99
    Can you serve Jesus and still enjoy your life? Is it possible for you to be fully committed to the Lord and still find time to enjoy life’s pleasures? Wittmer’s answers are as compelling as any you will find. Becoming Worldly Saints is a joy and a relief to read. Grounded firmly in Scripture and in the best of Christian tradition, it offers a powerful and compelling vision of the Christian life that is equally exciting and attainable. Read Tim’s review | Get the eBook

  3. Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert is 70% off.
    Sale: $2.99. Original: $9.99
    Whether you’ve read other books on sexual purity or not, you will quickly notice three unique and noteworthy strengths in Finally Free: Its commitment to the gospel of grace. Lambert speaks of grace as a power that we can discover, that we can use, that is available to us as we fight against sin. The book’s sheer practicality. It helpfully lays out strategies you can actually do and that will actually work in the fight against porn. Its encouraging tone. Lambert encourages by focusing on Christ’s power over sin and he encourages by his authority on the subject, earned in those thousands and thousands of counselling sessions. Finally Free is perhaps the strongest book yet in the fight against porn. Read Tim’s review | Get the eBook (Note: Heath Lambert’s A Theology of Biblical Counseling is also in the 95 eBooks Sale.)

  4. Core Christianity by Michael Horton is 70% off.
    Sale: $2.99. Original: $9.99
    “The purpose of this book,” Horton says, “is to help you understand the reason for your hope as a Christian so that you can invite others into the conversation. This book is for those who are tired of being starring characters in their own life movie. You want to be written into God’s unfolding drama. But where do you start?” You can start with this book. Mature Christians can read it as a refresher on the essential truths of the faith. They will want to read it as well to see those core truths placed carefully within the context of drama and working themselves out in doxology and discipleship. They may even want to use it as a springboard to Horton’s more substantial works Pilgrim Theology and The Christian Faith, which are also part of the 95 eBooks Sale. New believers can read it as a means of becoming grounded in the faith, as an early exploration into the infinitely deep content of Christianity. Small groups, discipleship groups, or one-on-one groups can read it together as a means of mutual edification and encouragement. In every case I am convinced it will prove its value. Read Tim’s review | Get the eBook

  5. Awakening the Evangelical Mind by Owen Strachan is 80% off.
    Sale: $2.99. Original: $14.99
    Tim Keller writes, “Owen Strachan’s excellent work on the development of twentieth-century ‘classical evangelicalism’ is illuminating and even inspirational. It also is realistic about the barriers that can block our best intentions. But in the end I was impressed that we don’t have the same godly ambition today as leaders such as Hold John Ockenga, Carl Henry, Billy Graham, and (in the UK) John Stott. The account is convicting and motivating.” John Woodbridge adds, “This is a study no student of the American evangelical movement can afford to miss. Get the eBook

  6. The Next Story, Second Edition by Tim Challies is 62% off.
    Sale: $2.99. Original: $7.99
    In Tim Challies’ book The Next Story: Faith, Friends, and the Digital World, Challies address questions such as: How has life—and Christian faith—changed now that everyone is available all the time through mobile phones? How does our constant connection to these digital devices affect our families and our church communities? You will get a framework you can apply to any technology, which will help you explore what digital technology means for our lives and how it impacts the Christian faith. So it’s a book not just for the young and digital, but for all of us. Read more about the first edition and updates in the revision | Get the eBook


Zondervan’s 95 eBooks Sale ends Sunday, November 5 at 11:59pm ET (11/5/17). Sale prices apply to U.S. websites and some websites in the U.K., Australia, and Canada. Apologies to international readers.

BONUS: Free Download – 5 Things You Were Never Taught About the 5 Solas

What doctrines could be more foundational to being an evangelical Protestant than the five solas of the Reformation? However, many in evangelical churches today have never heard of the solas, let alone the 5 surprising lessons in “5 Things You Were Never Taught About the 5 Solas.” Get the free download now.

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