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Web Stuff Wednesdays

Introduction to Church Plant Media

Hello readers of Challies Dot Com! Tim mentioned the following in a recent post: “For the time being I have begun a partnership with my friends at Church Plant Media, so you will be seeing their ads and getting to know them better.” Over the past few years you may have seen our Monthly Desktop Wallpaper Giveaways or our link at the bottom of Grace Fellowship Church where Tim is a pastor. Either way, we are thankful for this opportunity to connect with you.

Earlier this year we spent some time with Tim at The Gospel Coalition National Conference (TGC13) in Orlando. After talking, laughing, eating, and praying together with Tim, we grew in our friendship and appreciation for how much he loves Jesus and the gospel. Tim is the real deal and we are grateful to be partnering with him. While we were together at TGC13, Tim shared a few thoughts about Church Plant Media that we recorded on video. If you are interested in what he had to say, we’ve posted the video at this link: Enjoy!

After 15 years of building websites for churches, we have learned a few things about the web and our hope is to serve you with what we have learned. Every other week for the next few months at least, we will be bringing you several “Web Stuff Wednesdays” posts. In that time we hope to answer a few of your church website questions. But in order to do so, we need your help. We would love to hear what challenges you are facing with your church website and what hurdles you would like to overcome. Or maybe you are a seminary student that the Lord has called to plant a church and you are not sure where to start.

To help us serve you, please post in the comments with your questions about websites for church and mission. We will glean from your questions and come back with our first answer in a few weeks. Thanks in advance for your help! If you can’t wait that long, feel free to give us a call at (800) 409-6631 x 1.

Your friends @ Church Plant Media

Church Plant Media

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