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Why worship any way other than as God desires?

This week the blog is sponsored by the Reformation Worship Conference, Oct. 18-20, 2018.

If God has an opinion on any subject, wouldn’t his children wish to ask what that is? And is there any reason to exclude worship from the range of his opinions? There is a yearly gathering that discusses and facilitates biblical answers to that quest.

The annual Reformation Worship Conference will once again be hosted by Midway Presbyterian Church in suburban Atlanta, Oct. 18-20, 2018. This is the 9th annual gathering, which focuses on the beauty, orderliness, reverence, stability, and scripturalness of worship that was reformed according to Scripture in the Protestant Reformation. This year’s theme is: “Worshiping God’s Way, Not Ours.”

The stunning importance of worshiping God as he wishes was stated by Jesus Himself in John 4 when he proclaimed that “God is Spirit and Truth;” and his worshipers must conform worship to such Spirit and Truth—“for such the Father seeks.” This conference embraces the Father as seeking a particular kind of worship. And the speakers at this conference will unfold a variety of biblical passages to call believers to one and only one kind of worship: what our Heavenly Father designs, desires, and seeks.

The full program and printable brochures are available here.

Among this year’s excellent speakers and topics that will be addressed are:

  • Carl Trueman (Grove City College) on “Why Worship as God Says”
  • Robert Godfrey (Ligonier/WSC) asks of this 400th anniversary “Is Dort for Dorks Only?”
  • David Garner (Westminster Sem) on “Worship and the Global Expansion of the Reformed Faith”
  • David Gordon and Terry Johnson on “What we Should Sing to Please God in Worship”
  • Mark Ross (Erskine Sem) and Burk Parsons (Ligonier) on “The Importance of the Local Church”
  • Kent Butterfield on “Counseling from the Psalms”
  • Scott Aniol (Southwestern Baptist Sem) on “The Last Half Century of Worship Music: Back to Medievalism”
  • A special luncheon banquet with Carl Trueman and Kent Butterfield discussing “Gender Politics”

Plenary worship services, which model the worship that all churches may use, will also occur throughout the weekend conference, with the following keynote preachers each delivering an expository sermon on the theme:

  • Robert Godfrey
  • Burk Parsons
  • Neil Stewart
  • Carl Robbins

In other words, we don’t merely talk about worship; we also do it together—joyfully, reverently, powerfully, spiritually, and truly.

Frequent participant Carl Trueman assesses: “In a time when many Christians are wanting something more biblical and historic than the rather chaotic approaches to worship which have characterized much of the last 50 years, the Reformation Worship Conference is a godsend – an opportunity both to reflect on what Christian worship really is and to take part in worship services which embody it.”

This conference will be of interest and edification for pastors, students, church members, and any who love Godly worship.

We are very happy to partner with friends like Tim Challies, a participant last year.

Past lectures and sermons from previous conferences are posted online. The sermons and lectures from last year’s anniversary conference are also available here.

Also, video shorts are available on’s Vimeo channel.

Join us as we seek together what the Father seeks: Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

For questions, contact: Judy Dodd at: [email protected]

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