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Explore Sunday

  • What the Lords Day Is

    What the Lord’s Day Is

    The longer I live—the longer I live out this life as a Christian—the more I see my desperate need of the Lord’s Day. Though it once seemed like the kind of day I could take or leave, I’ve since come to rely on it and to see God’s goodness in giving it. It’s a day…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Should Christians Embrace Evolution?

    Should Christians embrace evolution? It is an increasingly urgent question and one that seems increasingly difficult to answer. Like you, I have grown accustomed to hearing Christians declare that, in the end, it doesn’t really matter a whole lot what you believe about creation, whether you embrace a literal six-day creation or a version that…

  • Why Does the Universe Look So Old?

    As you know I’m at Ligonier Ministries’ annual conference this week. I was going to give you some thoughts on the conference today but maybe I’ll do that another time. Today Al Mohler spoke on an exceedingly difficult topic–why does the universe look so old? And I think he did an exceptional job of providing…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/16)

    The Elisha Foundation – The Elisha Foundation is a great ministry that works with the families of disabled children (mental or physical disabilities). Their annual retreat is coming up and is a time when parents are given a brief respite from the work of caring for their children. Check out the web site for details.…

  • Delight in the Lord’s Day

    Today is the Lord’s Day and I thought I’d pass along some advice pertaining to the day. It comes courtesy of Donald Whitney. His book Simplify Your Spiritual Life offers a long series of short chapters, each offering wisdom on a specific part of the Christian’s walk with the Lord. And here he offers some…

  • Betraying God in Worship

    Only on rare occasions can I bring myself to buy greeting cards. When it is Aileen’s birthday or when it is our anniversary, I either tell her how I feel (not something I’m particularly good at most of the time) or I buy a blank card and fill it with my own words. Or occasionally,…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Prayer for the Lord’s Day

    Last Saturday I shared a prayer for the Lord’s Day Eve. Like that one, today’s prayer is also drawn from that collection of Puritan prayers The Valley of Vision. This prayer is meant for the Lord’s Day and is a perfect way to begin Sunday looking to the Lord of that day. O Lord, My…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Wrestling with Evolution

    Christians are accustomed to treating evolution as an account of the world’s origins that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and something that a person could only believe in the absence of God or in the absence of faith. But this is not quite fair. There are now many Christians–Christians who treasure the Bible and who…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/30)

    Church: Trevin Wax discusses the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus” asks whether this phrase helps or hinders evangelism. Culture: Peggy Noonan says that we live in an age of great wealth but of lousy manners. And I would tend to agree. Homosexuality: Dr. Mohler’s most recent commentary is worth reading as he writes about the…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Intelligent Design

    This isn’t a book review. Though I often refer to a particular book, I mean this more as a series of statements on intelligent design. The concept of intelligent design has undeniable appeal. Forming a kind of middle ground between creationism and evolution, it claims to reconcile the claims of modern science with what seems…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Sunday Afternoon

    This was a long and busy week. Tomorrow I’m driving all the way to Cleveland to blog The Basics Conference and to lead a seminar there. So things aren’t going to get less busy until later in the week at best. I often find that the busier the week, the more I appreciate my day…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/06)

    Monday November 6, 2006 Humor?: Um, I don’t even know what to say about this. Weird: An interesting story from Yahoo about a load of letters that ended up in the ocean: “Some of the letters are comical (a man asking God to let him win the lottery, twice), others are heartbreaking (a distraught teen…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Shallowness of Evangelicalism

    It was just about two years ago that I came to a rather disappointing realization. After much reflection and soul-searching I came to realize that much of what I believed as a Christian was mere cliché. I wrote about this last year and said “I believe it is important that we investigate words we frequently…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism II

    In yesterday’s article we built a framework in which to understand sex from a biblical perspective. We saw that sex is: a Gift From God; intended only for marriage; for giving and receiving pleasure; a means of building intimacy; intended for procreation. Today we will continue this discussion to encompass autoeroticism, the act of providing…

  • What’s Next?

    This has been a long and somewhat difficult week. I spent the first part of the week stressing about The Passion of the Christ, wondering what the movie was going to be like and wondering if I should even see it. Finally Wednesday rolled around and against my better judgment I went to see it.…

  • Sunday Reflection

    This week’s Sunday Reflection comes courtesy of John Newton and his hymn, Safely Through Another Week. It is a song of thanks for another week of safety and a song of petition, that we may feel God’s presence near to us during the upcoming week. Safely through another week God has brought us on our…