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Explore July 2017

  • Guard Your Health

    Guard Your Health

    As a young man, I often heard older people talking about their declining bodies and failing health. I grew weary of hearing them tell how their strength had diminished and how their aches and pains had increased. They insisted that they used to be able to eat anything they wanted without ill effect, but now…

  • Doers and Delegators

    We tend to associate the highest godliness with the humblest service. Jesus proved his holiness when he stooped to wash the filthy feet of his disciples. He proved his submission to God when he willingly faced the unjust suffering of the cross. In both cases, it is what Jesus did that displayed his godly character.…

  • An Army Without Supplies

    An Army Without Supplies

    I am an avid reader of books related to the Second World War. In my estimation, no conflict in history has been more interesting than this one. It has generated a wealth of fascinating stories and riveting accounts of unbelievable heroism. And even though countless thousands of books have already been written, new ones pour…

  • Master Your Finances

    Master Your Finances

    I have a love-hate relationship with money. I love the good things money can accomplish. I love how it can be used to provide for my needs and the needs of my wife and children. I love how it can be used to support God’s work in the world. I love being the contributor and…

  • A La Carte (July 17)

    This is going to be the sole A La Carte this week. I am on vacation for the next seven days and, as part of that, will not be doing all the daily reading and linking that’s part of A La Carte. They will resume, as normal, a week from today. However, I’ve got brand…

  • Writing Great Books for Kids

    Writing Great Books for Kids (and Reading Great Books To Kids)

    Parents love to buy their children good books. Christian parents love to buy their children good Christian books. Thankfully, we are well-served with excellent titles geared to children. Many of them come from the pen of Marty Machowski. I recently asked him about writing great books for kids (and reading great books to kids). I…

  • Ask Me Anything

    Ask Me Anything (Sleepovers, Miracles, Making Money, etc)

    Once again, I’m going to attempt answers to a selection of the questions I have received through my Ask Me Anything feature. This week’s questions involve sleepovers, miracles, reading the Bible in church, and the clarity of the Bible. But I am going to begin with an answer to what is probably the most common…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 15)

    Despite an early start and a thorough search, I was unable to track down any new Kindle deals today. So you’ll have to content yourself with reading articles like these ones: Why I Like to Sit by Young Children One of the most memorable flights I’ve ever had I was seated next to a little…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Tabletalk Magazine)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Ligonier Ministries. As you know, Ligonier also sponsored the blog this week. Request your free copy of Tabletalk magazine’s special issue, The Heart of the Gospel, featuring contributions from Kevin DeYoung, Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Joe Thorn, and many other trusted teachers and Christian leaders.…

  • The Five Key Factors in Every Christians Sanctification

    The Five Key Factors in Every Christian’s Sanctification

    Growth in Christlikeness is a lifelong, active progression. We are holier on the day we die than we were on the day we came to Christ. We are holier on the day we die than we are on the day before we die. Yet this long progression is peppered with seasonal lulls, drudgery, and complacency.…

  • A La Carte (July 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few fairly minor deals. Still, check them out and see if something fits… Westminster Books is offering a book on the Reformation they hope you’ll buy in bulk and distribute. Keller, Allberry and Stott Here are three interesting and appropriate responses to Eugene Peterson’s recent comments on homosexuality and gay…

  • The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin

    The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin

    We can never be ambivalent. We who are Christians have no right to allow any sin to persist. We must go hard after every sin and to pursue each one until it has been completely crushed, for even one sin left alone is enough to do terrible damage to our souls. A recent study of…

  • A La Carte (July 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of titles that may interest you. If your children are in Canadian, and especially Ontario public schools, you may be interested in reading My Child, My Chance. The Selfishness Behind Environmentalists’ Call for Fewer Children “Selfishness is much more palatable when you can cast as concern, but strip away…

  • Are You in the Dangerous Time In Between?

    It is a thought that troubles me. It leads me to observe again the seduction of sin, to grapple once more with the weakness of the human heart, to consider anew the sheer darkness of depravity. It makes me wonder, could we, could I, be in the time in-between? Could I be oblivious to the…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 12)

    I sorted through hundreds of Kindle deals dealing with healing crystals, ouija boards, and seances (Amazon lumps together everything “spiritual”) to find just a few that actually have some value. Westminster Books has some discipleship resources on sale, including one for dads and their children. 12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians It…

  • Pursue Your Vocation

    Pursue Your Vocation

    Why do we work? For five or six days of every week, most of us spend at least half of our waking hours doing a job. We take time away from our families and away from worldly pleasures to pursue an occupation. It’s simply what humans do. But why? Some say we work so that…

  • A La Carte (July 11)

    As you may know, it’s Prime Day at Amazon, so there are lots of deals to be had. You’ll find many of their Kindle devices deeply discounted (Voyage, Paperwhite, etc). They are also offering a deal where if you buy an Amazon book, 40% of the price is returned as a credit toward another printed…

  • 5,000 Days

    5,000 Days

    Today is my 5,000th consecutive day of blogging. A one-year challenge I began back in 2003 has somehow morphed into a 5,000-day marathon and a full-time vocation. I love what I do and am honored that I get to do it. Before I say or do anything more, please accept my gratitude for reading the…

  • A La Carte (July 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several important books from Crossway. Stage Fright A video has been making the rounds that shows a ballet performance during a service at Redeemer Presbyterian in New York. Wes Bredenhof sets this in historical context and makes an astute observation: “This performance would only be possible in a church building with…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped: One Sunday in July

    Every few weeks I like to share an example of one of our services at Grace Fellowship Church. I hope that by doing this others will follow suit! I love to learn how other churches worship and often find myself both challenged and encouraged as I see how other congregations worship God in their unique…