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A La Carte (11/1)

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Harper + Nelson – “The publishing world, and particularly the Christian publishing world, is abuzz because of the announcement today that HarperCollins (the third largest trade publisher in the United States) has purchased Thomas Nelson (which claims to be the seventh largest trade publisher). With Zondervan and HarperOne already under the umbrella of HarperCollins (which itself is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.), half of all Christian trade publishing will be in the hands of a single entity.”

Democracy Versus Mob Rule – “In various cities across the country, mobs of mostly young, mostly incoherent, often noisy, and sometimes violent demonstrators are making themselves a major nuisance. … But if these loudmouths’ inability to put together a coherent line of thought is any indication of their education, the taxpayers should demand the money back that was wasted on them for years in the public schools.”

The Sex Talk – “Sometimes rather than speaking to the issues of sex with clarity, wisdom, grace, and maturity, many believers seem to cow-down to the challenge or respond with silly wisecracks. It is like we come into the discussion with a nervous apology rather than bold wisdom. The end result is that our kids are left to figure out what sex means through other mediums, rather than in their homes. The parents are left behind as the children find other avenues to learn about sex.”

Don’t Sleep With Your Phone – “A fellow named Daniel Sieberg was telling me his hard-and-fast rule for getting through the night. He takes all of his digital devices — laptops, tablets, cellphones, anything portable that has a screen — to another room before he turns off the light. He has come to terms with the fact that the technological gadgets that have so thoroughly insinuated themselves into our lives can become addictive.”

Shedding Racism – “Bryon Widner was one of America’s most violent and well known white supremacists, and his heavily-tattooed face displayed it proudly. But after shunning his racist beliefs, he was still unable to get work because of his facial scarring, and went through a long and complicated journey to have the tattoos removed, in the hope of starting his life anew.”

He has fixed the hour of our entrance into rest, and it can neither be postponed by skill of physician nor hastened by malice of foe.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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