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A La Carte (11/18)

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Turning the Bible into Toilet Paper
Denny Burk shares a sad but interesting little fact about Ian McKellen. “In an interview with Details magazine, gay actor Ian McKellen says that he tears pages out of Bibles that he finds in hotel rooms. Some of the Bible pages are hung up in his bathroom as toilet paper.”

Thankful for a Mother’s Devotion
Ed Welch pens a tribute to his mother. “I just received news that my mother died this morning. She was 84 and had been at Quarreyville Presbyterian Home in Lancaster County. Her mind had been erased by strokes over the last few years. It had been about 8 years since she recognized me or my sisters.”

Is Gambling OK?
Phil Johnson looks at the issue of gambling. “Is it a sin to gamble? There’s not an easy or instantly-obvious prooftext answer to that question. If you are looking for a ‘Thus saith the Lord: Thou shalt not gamble,’ you won’t find it anywhere. Nothing expressly forbids gambling anywhere in Scripture. Does that automatically put gambling into the realm of adiaphora, or indifferent matters? I don’t think so. I would argue that gambling is a sin, full stop.

All Of My Days
Here’s another example of why I love to read Danielle’s blog.

Mass: We Pray
Surely this has to be a joke. Someone tell me this is a joke!

Fireproof Follow-up
The follow-up to the movie Fireproof will be about fatherhood. “‘The title is one word: Courageous,’ said Fireproof Director Alex Kendrick, who will also direct the new film. ‘(It’s about) four fathers who are all in law enforcement–who protect and serve together–(and) go through a terrible tragedy. They begin looking at their role as fathers … and they begin challenging one another to fulfill God’s intention for fathers.’”

Deal of the Day: Amazon’s Gold Box
This is a bit random, I know, but today Amazon has a good Gold Box deal. They are offering their Pike Street down comforters at a really steep discount. Amazon keeps sending me their Pike Street stuff for review and it has impressed us as being high-quality for a great price.

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