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A La Carte (4/17)

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Clues Explosions Leave Behind – “In the aftermath of yesterday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon, investigators are working a 12-block crime scene to determine what kind of bomb was used and what kind of bomber—domestic or international—planned the attack. What sort of forensic evidence do explosions leave behind?” This article at Slate answers the question.

Don’t Be Late – I appreciate Joe’s take on why you should do your utmost to be at church on time. What many people don’t consider is that worship services are carefully constructed (at least at a good church!) and that there aren’t throwaway components. “The beginning of our corporate worship is thoughtfully put together with the aim of directing our thoughts toward God. From the opening Scripture to the closing benediction every piece of the liturgy is a piece to a puzzle that, when assembled, gives us all a fuller picture of the gospel.”

The Holocaust in Our Midst – Randy Alcorn shares “Why the Revelations of Dr. Gosnell’s Trial Don’t Shock Me, and the Holocaust in Our Midst.” Also on the subject of abortion, be sure to read A Thermonuclear Trumpet, an article by Rolley Haggard.

Adoption: A Real Question – “Though they are Christian, love children, and see the great need for adoption, the nagging hesitation that may hold some couples back is a concern I wrestled with before adopting. It wasn’t so much the money, or the time, or even the emotional ups and downs of the adoption process. It was something much deeper. A question that I often felt guilty for even considering. I asked myself on more than one occasion, ‘Will I love these children as my own?’”

R.A. Dickey on Rock Bottom – R.A. Dickey has a powerful testimony of God’s saving grace in his life and marriage. I wonder what was left on the cutting room floor of this interview with 60 Minutes. Still, it’s a good, short feature. (The full feature is here).

Sleep-Deprived Parents – Here’s a song for sleep-deprived parents.

We know how God would act if he were in our place — he has been in our place.

—A.W. Tozer

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