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A La Carte (4/2)

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The Haddon Robinson Principle – Here’s a helpful article for preachers. “‘Ideally, each sermon is the explanation, interpretation, or application of a single dominant idea supported by other ideas, all drawn from one passage or several passages of Scripture.’ How many points was that? Three? Five? No. One point. One single point. So here’s our principle: Preach with a pin, not with a hammer.”

9 Things About Edith Schaeffer – Joe Carter rounds up 9 facts about Edith Schaeffer.

Treasure Map – Did you know that Google Maps has a treasure map view? It’s kind of fun. And mostly useless. But still fun. Be sure to try street view on it as well (by dragging the spy glass to the map).

Bracketing Morality – Al Mohler on the gay marriage debate: “What makes this moral revolution so vast in consequences and importance is this: the moral dimension has virtually disappeared from the cultural conversation. This is true, we must note, even among the defenders of heterosexual marriage.”

The New Televangelists – “I thought we were done with the Televangelists. … I was wrong. Sure, most members of my generation still have no time for Televangelists, but many of us have fallen prey to something just as pernicious.”

Delusional Twenty Somethings – Donald Miller has a word for delusional twenty-somethings. (I know someone will bring up Blue Like Jazz. No, I am not endorsing it by linking to this article.)

Honoring Christ Online – Ligonier Ministries interviewed me for the April issue of Tabletalk, focusing in on how to honor God in our online lives.

There is no healing a man till the law has wounded him, no making him alive till the law has slain him.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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